JAKARTA - The Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziah emphasized that holiday allowances (THR) must be paid no later than seven days before Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri.

In order to ensure the payment of THR for workers, the Ministry of Manpower will immediately issue a circular regarding the determination of THR payments for governors throughout Indonesia, to be forwarded to entrepreneurs.

"I think we all know that THR is an obligation of entrepreneurs that must be given to workers or laborers, to meet the needs of Eid," said Ida after the Zakat Submission event through Baznas at the State Palace, Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, March 13.

According to him, the letter is usually circulated in the first week of Ramadan. Furthermore, Ida explained that until now, the Ministry of Manpower has not received any complaints about entrepreneurs refusing to pay THR for their employees.

"Until now, there have been no (complaints), yes, because all entrepreneurs also know that it is an obligation that must be carried out by entrepreneurs," he said.

The Ministry of Manpower will also reopen the THR post in order to facilitate complaints from both workers and employers regarding THR payments.

Last year, the THR post of the Ministry of Manpower received a total of 1,540 complaints, of which 1,026 were resolved regarding the payment of THR 2023. Meanwhile, 514 other complaints cannot be processed due to incomplete data.

The post also serves 1,782 consultations related to last year's THR distribution.

"We will open the THR post, not only in the Ministry of Manpower but also in the Head of Manpower and Head Office dealing with manpower," said Ida.

Before closing his press statement, Ida emphasized that the company should not pay THR payments for its workers.

"No, it's not allowed (to be in installments)," he said.

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