JAKARTA - MSME actors in Kembangan, West Jakarta are expected to soon have business legality in the form of a Business Identification Number (NIB).

Head of the PM Unit of PTSP Kembangan, Tatang Brajamusti, said that MSME actors who have been registered will easily obtain business capital loans.

"By having NIB, business MSME players who have been registered legally can also make it easier to borrow business capital and so on," said Tatang quoting Antara.

Throughout January to February 2023, UP PTSP Kembangan Subdistrict has provided assistance to as many as 445 MSME actors for the NIB management and all of them currently have NIB for the issuance of OSS institutions, in this case the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).

The NIB management was carried out by the Kembangan One Stop Integrated Service Investment Unit (PM PTSP) by opening services in the school canteen, market and Joglo TPU.

In detail, of the 445 NIBs, 61 NIBs were for MSME actors in Srengseng Village, 60 NIB in Joglo, 106 NIB North Kembangan, 70 South Kembangan 70, 60 in North Meruya, 51 in South Meruya and 37 at Joglo TPU through direct service at the location.

The six highest urban villages are from North Kembangan Village because many schools have canteens and traders. Not only that, but there are also those who directly carry out the service process at the PTSP Kembangan UPM.

Furthermore, UPM PTSP Kembangan is now intensively carrying out services to make it easier for people to obtain NIB permits.

Apart from being a legality of business, MSME players who have NIB will also be included in the official data collection and have the opportunity to participate in the program held from the West Jakarta KUKMP Sub-Department will easily participate in the program.

"I urge those who do not have NIB to come directly to the UPM PTSP service in Kembangan District," said Tatang.

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