JAKARTA - Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita invites the manufacturing industry to use the 'Udaraku' platform to increase national environmental resilience and awareness.

The "Udaraku" platform itself is a platform made by the Center for Standardization and Industrial Pollution Prevention Services (BBSPJPPI) which is made based on IoT (Internet of Things) and displays a dashboard that provides real time air quality data information for the Air Pollution Standard Index (ISPU) according to P.14/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/7/2020.

Minister of Industry Agus said that the use of the Airku application is also in line with the Making Indonesia 4.0 Roadmap which encourages the industry to take advantage of technology.

"The optimization of technology by technical work units within the Ministry of Industry is one of the effective ways to contribute to overcoming challenges in the industrial sector and will support increased efficiency, innovation and competitiveness of the national industry," Agus said during the Inauguration of the Natural Medicines Production Facility (Hope of Wellness) as well as launching of My Air Platform in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 6.

Agus said that the technological innovation implemented needs to consider risk mitigation factors for environmental damage as evidence of the industry's commitment to environmental conservation.

Therefore, Agus appreciates the Center for Standardization and Services for Prevention of Industrial Pollution (BBSPJPPI) as an implementing unit under the Standardization and Industrial Services Policy Agency (BSKJI), which has been fully dedicated to advancing useful technological innovations, supporting industry and the community in meeting regulations and reducing the risk of environmental damage.

He considered that industry players need to integrate My Air in their daily operations. Thus, the industry can make a real contribution to the welfare of the community.

"I invite all industrial communities to jointly support the progress of our industrial sector which is independent, advanced, fair and inclusive. One of the steps is to encourage the creation of a sustainable and environmentally responsible industry," he said.

With my Air platform, it is hoped that it will help the industry to actively participate in monitoring air quality and can contribute to meeting regulatory needs for industry.

On the same occasion, the Head of BSKJI of the Ministry of Industry Andi Rizaldi said, My Air is an effective monitoring platform and makes it easier to collect data comprehensively in the context of evaluation.

"In addition to real-time air quality data for the Air Pollution Standard Index (ISPU), my Air allows the industry to be able to evaluate according to the needs of the data presented," he said.

Thus, said Andi, the development of my Air platform needs to be pushed and added points on the location of the sensor to all corners of Indonesia.

According to him, meeting the needs of low-cost sensors is also the main consideration point in developing My Air.

"Another consideration is that my Air can be developed flexibly so that later it can provide air quality forecast features in the future from each location and recommendations for the action plan," he added.

The implementation of SNI 9178:2023 concerning the Performance Test of Air Quality Monitoring Equipment Using Low-cost Sensors through My Air is clear evidence of BBSPJPPI's focus on industry. It is hoped that My Air can be utilized by industry and stakeholders with maintained data security guarantees.

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