JAKARTA - The government through the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves) said that a number of achievements related to the water management that Indonesia has carried out will be introduced to the world through the implementation of the 10th World Water Forum (WWF) which will take place in Bali, on May 18-24, 2024.

Deputy for Coordination of Environmental and Forestry Management at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Nani Hendiarti, said the government would prepare a showcase area for the Bali Subak irrigation system which was designated as UNESCO's world cultural heritage in this international activity.

"We have a showcase that we want to show, in the past at the G20 Summit, right, Mangrove. In this WWF we also prepare showcases in the context of subak irrigation in Bali," Nani said in a press conference entitled "Water Security and Prosperity" online on Tuesday, January 9.

Nani said Indonesia would also introduce a pollution control program and ecosystem recovery in the Citarum Watershed (DAS) known as the Citarum Harum Program.

According to him, the Citarum Harum Program will be appointed to the 10th World Water Forum because the program has succeeded in improving the quality of the water in Citarum from which it was originally heavily polluted to light polluted with the Water Quality Index (IKA) 51.01 points.

"That is an example of an integrated program, maybe there are around 16 ministries/agencies involved and there are action plans being implemented," he said.

Nani said, Indonesia will also introduce a program to save 15 national priority lakes which includes restoring water quality, governance and ecosystems in the vicinity as well as a program to handle marine debris in the upcoming 10th World Water Forum event.

"Because of this (sea debris handling) internationally, Indonesia has also been recognized as committed and consistent in carrying out its efforts. So, not many countries are like that," he said.

For your information, the World Water Council as a world institution that deals with water issues has chosen Indonesia as the host of the 10th World Water Forum in 2024.

This activity will take place at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC), Nusa Dua, Bali, on May 18-24, 2024.

Later, there will be three discussions in the 10th World Water Forum, namely three topics on thematic, political and regional issues.

In the thematic topic, six subthemes have been determined, namely Water Security and Prosperity, Water for Humans and Nature, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Governance, Cooperation, and Hydro-diplomacy Sustainable Water Finance, Knowledge and Innovation.

Next, regional topics are divided into four regions, namely the Mediterranean, Asia Pacific, Africa and America. Discussions are needed at the regional level, because each region has different uniqueness and challenges about water.

Then, on political topics it is divided into meetings at the level of heads of state, ministers, parliament, local governments and river regional authorities.

The implementation of the 10th World Water Forum in Bali in 2024 is a momentum to increase cooperation for global water management.

By bringing hope that the World Water Forum will become a place for various stakeholders from various countries to share experiences and innovation in responding to a number of water management challenges globally.

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