JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono inspected the Banyumas Old Town area structuring project, in Banyumas Regency, Central Java, on Monday, January 1 afternoon.

Basuki said, with the completion of the structuring project, the next step in this area must be filled with activities that support the creative industry to revive the economic growth of Banyumas Regency. "The Ministry of PUPR is in accordance with its duties to assist in physical revitalization, but the event, creativity must also be developed, so that it becomes a tourist area that can accommodate various community activities," Basuki said in a written statement, Tuesday, January 2.

On the other hand, Basuki said he was ready to follow up on the arrangement proposal to proceed to the Gatot Subroto Highway area through road preparation work and pedestrian arrangement.

"Please also later equipped with street furniture, chairs made from piped iron pipes, make them more artistic, including chairs in the square," he said.

The arrangement of Kota Lama Banyumas itself is centered on priority areas which are divided into three segments, namely segment 1 of a residential area covering an area of 0.66 hectares (ha), segment 2 of the Pendopo Lama/Banyumas sub-district complex area covering an area of 0.66 ha, and segment 3 of the Banyumas Square area covering an area of 2.5 ha.

The arrangement budget is sourced from the State Budget for Fiscal Year (TA) 2023 worth IDR 13.2 billion, of which it is used for pedestrian development, road improvement and drainage, street furniture and electrical mechanics.

The arrangement of segment 1 is carried out to improve the quality of settlement infrastructure and local image (sense of place) in cultural areas to support the development of attractiveness, life and image of the region.

Meanwhile, segment 2 focuses more on strengthening the existence of cultural heritage buildings, which in this case are sub-district office complexes, as a cultural tourism attraction and improving the quality of open space which will become a forum for expressive space and cultural appreciation.

Sedangkan untuk Segmen 3 penataan dilakukan dengan meningkatkan kualitas ruangan Alun-Alun Kabupaten Banyumas dalam upaya mempertegaskan karakter serta nilai sejarah dan budaya kawasan Kota Lama Banyumas serta adaptasi fungsi ruang terbuka hijau publik.

The arrangement of the Old City area of Banyumas is carried out to preserve cultural heritage buildings in the area while increasing the potential for heritage tourism in Banyumas Regency.

"It is hoped that with this structuring activity, the Banyumas Old Town area will become a cultural space, creative space, and tourist space so that it can become a more character-friendly heritage tourist destination city," he added.

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