JAKARTA - Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto gave approval for the proposed Plan of Development (POD) Steamfood EOR Rantaubais Field Phase-1 managed by the Cooperation Contractor (KKKS) of PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR).

It is known that this field investment is worth IDR 3.7 trillion. The POD approval makes Rantaubais the 2nd oil field in Indonesia which has implemented Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) since 1995.

"This POD approval is important considering that Rantaubais, located in Riau Province, is the 2nd oil field in Indonesia to implement the EOR method on a commercial scale with vapor injection technology (steamfood) after nearly three decades since Duri Field did so in 1995", said Deputy for Exploration, Development and Management of the Working Area of SKK Migas Benny Lubiantara.

Benny added that the approval of Rantaubais Field Development with the Phase-1 Steamflood EOR method also has a deep meaning for Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR).

"This is the first commercial EOR project fully generated by PHR, given that the Duri Steamfood project was carried out by the previous operator (Caltex/Chevron)," said Benny.

Regarding the potential for additional oil reserves from the development of the Rantaubais field phase-1, Benny said it reached 11 million barrels, with a production peak estimated at 5,500 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) or more than double the previous production rate which was in the range of 2,000 BOPD.

The total investment in this development project will reach around IDR 3.7 trillion, which includes drilling wells, construction of hot steam production facilities, and updating production facilities. Benny said the resulting economic impact was also significant, with an estimated state revenue of IDR 4.8 trillion.

"This project not only increases oil production but also brings great economic benefits to Indonesia," he added.

The impact of the Rantaubais Square Steamfood project and the upstream oil and gas industry as a whole is not limited to direct economic aspects such as investment, tax revenue and non-tax revenue, but also provides positive multiplier effects for communities around project operations including increasing national capacity.

Benny informed that the approval of this project is also an important achievement in realizing one of EOR's Sure Work Commitments (KKP) in the first 5 years after taking over the previous operator.

He added, at the end of this year, SKK Migas will immediately complete the approval process for another EOR project, namely the Chemical EOR (CEOR) Phase -1 at Minas Field.

This project is also part of the fulfillment of the KKP in the Rokan Working Area. The project is the initial stage (prove of expansion) for the development of CEOR in order to reach the full field scale in the Minas Field which is identified as having a total additional potential for oil recovery reaching 500 million barrels at the time of full-scale development later.

The approval of the EOR programs in the Rokan WK shows the determination of SKK Migas and PHR in carrying out previous work commitments.

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