Illegal Electricity Usage Can Make Material Losses To Threats Of Mental Safety
Electricity (Photo: dock. Antara)

JAKARTA - PLN Jakarta's Main Distribution Unit (UID) reminded that the use of illegal or unofficial electricity can cause many losses. Starting from the material, it even has the potential to threaten life safety. "For safety, we suggest using legal or official electricity. People can easily install new electricity through the PLN Mobile application," said General Manager of PLN UID Jakarta Raya Lasiran quoting Antara.

The use of illegal electricity that is often found is taking electricity directly from poles for trading purposes, street lighting, and some even use it to flow electricity to the house.

Lasiran said the electricity taken directly from the pole without going through the barrier and the gauge would be very dangerous because the current was not measurable and could cause a short circuit and could even catch fire.

In addition, the cable used to take electricity illegally is also not standard, so it has the potential to cause a leakage of the electricity due to brittle cables, without isolation, and unfolding.

Leakage of the current can also cause people to be electrocuted when touching it.

In addition to threatening the safety of life and fire, illegal use of electricity is a violation. PLN has provided convenience for people who need electricity in order to register through the PLN Mobile application anywhere and anytime, people can install new or increase electricity.

"If you need electricity, use the official route using PLN Mobile, the price is standard and the installation is fast, don't go through acquaintances," said Lasiran.

As an effort to maintain public safety, PLN has also implemented an Electric Power Usage Control (P2TL) program to curb the use of illegal electricity so that people avoid potential safety threats.

Lasiran emphasized that life safety is the main thing. Official electricity from PLN is one of the risk mitigation measures to maintain safety.

Previously, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Isnawa Adji said that the renewal of old electrical installations could reduce the risk of short circuits which resulted in fires, especially in densely populated settlements. "When I reviewed the location of the fire, it was very sad, in small houses I saw all the old cables, some were even connected by self-isolation or serebut like hair," he said in Wednesday's broadcast of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Learning which was monitored in Jakarta, Wednesday (4/10).

Electricity installations that are still ancient and not well assembled are left to become one of the factors causing fires in densely populated settlements in Jakarta. Therefore, the electrical installation installed at home must be ensured to be able to accommodate the high use of electricity on a daily basis.

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