Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said, as one of the main sources of energy supply, the oil and gas sector (oil and gas) was under considerable pressure.

According to him, in the midst of geopolitical contestation, oil and gas is one of the strategic commodities used as an instrument of geopolitical tension.

On the other hand, the oil and gas sector is also a major concern for climate change activists.

You are pinched between two shifts and very strong global competition, namely geopolitical issues and climate change. Indonesia is a big country. We must be able to respond to this," he said at The 4th International Convention on Indonesian Oil and Gas 2023 Wednesday, September 20.

Sri Mulyani said, as a country with enormous oil and gas potential, geopolitical conditions and climate change need to be responded to appropriately and in balance.

It is said that the government will continue to provide various support to improve oil and gas performance in Indonesia.

Our fiscal equipment is in the form of tax incentives at the producer level, in the form of subsidies to consumers, as well as regime improvements. This is proof that Indonesia will continue to do its best to improve the investment climate," he said.

The Minister of Finance added that the state encourages steps to improve the investment climate to be carried out by improving data. The government and SKK Migas provide more data and transparency regarding potential resources in Indonesia.

For information, the government is currently revising several regulations in order to improve and be adaptive to the oil and gas industry, including considering new technologies such as carbon capture to achieve energy security. However, he continued, at the same time providing more environmentally friendly and low-emission energy.

"So designing and implementing the transition is very important not only for the future of the Indonesian economy, but also for the welfare of the global economy. We will continue to improve the roadmap scenario because we also understand that technology will continue to change," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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