JAKARTA - PT Tripatra Engineers and Constructioners (TRIPATRA), a provider of sustainable engineering solutions, continues to strengthen commitments to contribute to efforts to prevent climate change and environmental conservation by organizing the TRIPATRA Planting Tree program by planting 50,000 Mangrove and Terrestrial tree seedlings in various regions, one of which is in the Mangrove Kramat area, Pakuhaji, Tangerang Regency, Banten, last August 16.
Symbolically, the planting of Mangrove tree seedlings, which is also part of the series of Commemoration of TRIPATRA's 50th Anniversary, was attended directly by the board of directors and leaders of TRIPATRA along with the Deputy for Prevention of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), the Environment and Hygiene Service (DLHK) Banten, the Natural Forest Farmers Community Lestari, and the local Government.
Indonesia has conveyed an increase in the ambition to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (ENDC) document, where the target of reducing Indonesia's GRK emissions with its own capabilities in the Updated NDC (UNDC) by 29 percent increased to 31.89 percent in ENDC, while the target with international support for UNDC by 41 percent increased to 43.20 percent.
This is an effort to achieve the Net Zero Emission (NZE) target by 2060. However, to achieve this target, Indonesia still faces challenges.
Based on real-time data on the IQAir website, most regions in Indonesia still have air quality indexes that exceed the WHO threshold, which is 5 micrograms per cubic meter, with the highest concentration on the islands of Java and Sumatra, especially in the Greater Jakarta area. This makes Indonesia the country with the worst level of air pollution in Southeast Asia.
In order to deal with this precarious situation, the role of blue carbon' for carbon absorption and storage by marine ecosystems is very important, one of which is by utilizing mangrove plants. This is because the ability of mangroves to absorb carbon is an important ecosystem service in global climate change conditions.
Another benefit of the existence of mangrove forests is that the water around it will become clearer, as a food chain, and become a new habitat for marine ecosystems.
President Director & CEO of PT Tripatra Engineers and Constructioners (TRIPATRA), Raymond Naldi Rasfuldi, said, on his 50th birthday, TRIPATRA continues to be committed to contributing to a significant impact on the environment.
"We realize that efforts to reduce climate impact are not only the responsibility of the government but the whole community, including companies. Coupled with the increasing air pollution in Indonesia, especially on the island of Java. For this reason, as a form of our commitment to support the government in efforts to prevent climate change and achieve Net Zero Emission (NZE) in 2060, TRIPATRA took the initiative of the Tripatra Planting Tree program by planting 50,000 Mangrove and Terrestrial tree seedlings. We hope that through this initiative it will not only help reduce carbon emissions, but also increase the understanding and attitude of environmental care for all TRIPATRA People and also the community," he said in a written statement, Wednesday, August 23.
Deputy for Prevention of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Prasinta Dewi MAP appreciates and welcomes the tree planting activities carried out by TRIPATRA.
"This is a form of mitigation where we carry out vegetation whose function is to reduce disaster risk and air pollution, then we also anticipate the threat of drought and forest fires. Efforts like this need to be continuously improved and continued. Because in addition to reducing disaster risk, it will also increase the community's economy. We also see that this TRIPATRA program is also a form of pentahelix collaborative initiative, which involves various parties to jointly support environmental sustainability," said Prasinta Dewi.
This TRIPATRA Planting Tree initiative is part of the company's social responsibility commitment and is a form of Tripatra's commitment to implementing the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) program and supports sustainable development goals (SDGs) in carrying out actions to combat climate change.
"In the future, TRIPATRA will continue to carry out various strategic initiatives and actions in an effort to implement the company's ESG, especially on environmental conservation in Indonesia," concluded Raymond.
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