MPR Annual Session: Bamsoet Singgung Kahar Fiskal, What Is It?
Illustration of the Rupiah (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Bambang Soesatyo alluded to the fiscal kamar situation that could potentially occur in the future.

According to him, after the amendment to the 1945 Constitution (UUD), there is still room for vacuum regulation in the constitution.

The reason is, in accordance with the mandate of the provisions of Article 1 paragraph (2) of the Constitution, as a representation of the principles of the people's sovereignty, the MPR can be attributable to the subjective authority of superlature and legal obligations.

"This is important to make decisions or determinations that are regulatory in nature to overcome the impact of a fiscal or political macroque situation that cannot be anticipated and cannot be properly controlled," he said at the MPR Annual Session on Wednesday, August 16.

For information, Article 22 of the 1945 Constitution which consists of three verses, explains in the first paragraph in terms of the interests that force the President to have the right to stipulate government regulations in lieu of laws.

Paragraph kedua, peraturan pemerintah harus mendapat persetujuan DPR.

Meanwhile, in the third paragraph, if the DPR does not get approval, then the government regulation must be revoked.

"Ideally, indeed, the MPR RI was returned to be the highest institution in the country," said Bamsoet.

Meanwhile, fiscal kahar is usually a certain financial situation that hits the state (APBN) and requires strategic decisions quickly and fundamentally. Kahar fiscal can be a problem in itself and lead to a state financial failure if an agreement is not reached between the government (executive) and the DPR (legislative).

For example, the government issued a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2020 concerning State Financial Policy to overcome pressures due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The regulation stipulates a decision to widen the current state budget deficit.

However, in this context the parliament (DPR) approved the government's initiative so that in its implementation it did not encounter problems.

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