JAKARTA - Homecoming has become a tradition for the Indonesian people during the Eid al-Fitr celebration.

At this year's Idul Fitri celebration, it is predicted that there will be five regions where the most travelers come from, one of which is East Java.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi predicts that as many as 123.8 million people will travel during the 2023 Eid.

The movement of this community is dominated by Java Island by 62.5 percent or 77.3 million people.

The prediction of people's movements is the result of a survey conducted by the Ministry of Transportation through the Transportation Policy Agency (BKT).

Referring to the survey, said Budi, there are five regions where the most travelers come from, namely, first, East Java with 17.1 percent or as many as 21.2 million people.

Second, Central Java 15.1 percent or as many as 18.7 million people. Third, Jabodetabek 14.8 percent or 18.3 million people.

"Then, West Java 12.1 percent or 14.9 million people, and North Sumatra 3.6 percent or 4.4 million people," he told reporters, Tuesday, March 7.

Furthermore, Budi said that at the 2023 Lebaran homecoming moment, the mode of transportation used by the community was dominated by land mode. Where private cars are still a favorite of travelers.

"Going home by private car is 22.07 percent or 27.32 million people. Then, motorcycles 20.3 percent or 25.13 million people. Then, it is predicted that 18.39 percent or 22.77 million people will go home by bus," he said.

Then, it is predicted that 11.69 percent, or 14.47 million people will go home by intercity train and 7.7 percent or 9.53 million people renting cars.

The Ministry of Transportation predicts that the peak of homecoming flows will occur on D-1 or Friday, April 21, 2023. Where it is predicted that there will be a movement of 14.3 percent or 17.7 million people.

"The increase in trips for homecoming is predicted to start increasing since D-3 or Wednesday April 19, 2023," he said.

For the peak of reverse flow, said Budi, it is estimated to occur on D+2 or Tuesday April 25 2023 and it is predicted that the movement will still be quite high until D+3 or Wednesday April 26 2023.

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