JAKARTA - Indonesian Ambassador to the United States (US) Rosan Perkasa Roeslani said that he would continue to optimize the principles of financial diplomacy in carrying out the government's diplomatic mission. According to him, the scheme is considered useful to further increase investment opportunities for US companies in Indonesia.

"Financial diplomacy activities that will be intensified are improving relations with world-class investment companies, which are currently only controlled by 17 companies, the majority of which are in the United States," he said in a written statement quoted on Wednesday, June 29.

Rosan explained that the largest investment company in the world, BlackRock, is a company that acts as an asset manager. Total assets under management were almost 10 trillion US dollars as of March 31, 2022, or 10 times greater than Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP).

"This investment company invests in almost the entire world and controls investments of almost 100 trillion US dollars," he said.

Rosan added that Indonesia generally conducts roadshows to the world's financial centers, such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, London and New York. Currently, the focus of financial diplomacy will be on New York as the world's largest financial center.

"Conducting a roadshow to 17 investment companies in the US can have an impact on increasing the trust of world investment companies in Indonesia and convey the positive things that Indonesia has done, such as the Omnibus Law," he said.

On the same occasion, Education and Culture Attache Popy Rufaidah stated that the financial diplomacy carried out by Ambassador Rosan was an important part in increasing cooperation in education and research in the financial sector.

"Financial diplomacy is one of the concrete steps to strengthen relations in the financial sector between Indonesia and the US," said Popy.

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