JAKARTA - Based on the results of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), PT Buana Finance Tbk (BBLD) which was held today, Wednesday, June 8, the company will distribute dividends of Rp. 9.87 billion or equivalent to Rp. 6 per share.

Buana Finance Director Mariana Setyadi said this amount was equivalent to 34.40 percent of the company's total net profit in 2021.

"In general, the company's performance in 2021 has increased compared to 2020, as seen from the net profit which increased by 43.14 percent to Rp. 28.70 billion from the previous Rp. 20.05 billion," said Mariana.

He explained that this increase was supported by cost efficiency and an increase in the distribution of new financing in 2021. Although the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic were still felt in 2021, the company managed to disburse new financing of Rp. 1.94 trillion, or an increase of 64.42 percent compared to with 2020.

"The new financing volume consists of finance leases and factoring of IDR 718.37 billion and consumer financing of IDR 1.23 trillion. In terms of asset quality, the ratio of Non-Performing Financing (NPF) as of December 31, 2021 is 2.64 percent, has improved when compared to 2020 of 4.19 percent," he explained.

Mariana further said that until March 2022, the company's new financing value was recorded at Rp.754.03 billion, which had reached the target set for the same period. For 2022, the company targets a financing distribution of IDR 2.59 trillion.

The company's net profit on a yoy basis increased by 568.66 percent, or increased to Rp9.07 billion from the previous Rp1.36 billion, in line with the controlled COVID-19 pandemic.

In terms of capital, the company has capital (equity) of IDR 1.26 trillion with total liabilities of IDR 2.59 trillion. With a Gearing Ratio (Debt to Equity Ratio/DER) of 1.93 times, the company has a good level of capital.

"In addition to the distribution of dividends, the GMS also decided to reappoint the company's current directors for a term of office from 2022 to 2025," concluded Mariana.

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