JAKARTA - There is news that the Financial Services Authority (OJK) has revoked the OVO permit. But make no mistake, the OVO in question is PT OVO Finance Indonesia, not the OVO electronic money that we often use on smartphones as a payment platform that is usually in the Grab application.

The management of PT Visionet Internasional as the manager of the OVO digital wallet service confirmed that the revocation of PT OVO Finance Indonesia's license by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) had nothing to do with all business lines in the OVO electronic money business group.

Head of Public Relations of Visionet Internasional Harumi Supit explained that OFI or OVO Finance Indonesia is a multi-finance company that has no connection at all and has never been part of the OVO electronic money company group that received official permission from Bank Indonesia.

"It's just that, since its establishment, OFI has also used the name "OVO". So, the revocation of the OFI license by the OJK has nothing to do with all business lines in the OVO electronic money business group," she explained in an official statement, Wednesday, November 10.

Harumi added, all operations and electronic money services of OVO and companies under the OVO Group took place as usual, normally, and there were no problems at all.

Previously, OVO Group had confirmed Grab's action to increase its share ownership in OVO. OVO's management said the change in ownership structure was a natural part of the journey of a technology company.

"As mandated in Bank Indonesia regulations, OVO management is currently actively consulting and coordinating according to Bank Indonesia directions, so that the restructuring being carried out by the company is always in line with Bank Indonesia regulations and other government regulations," she explained.

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