JAKARTA - There are allegations of maladministration in the legal process for the alleged rape of three children in East Luwu. One student was slammed by the police during a demonstration in Tangerang. In South Sulawesi, the Head of the Parigi Moutong Police Sector raped the child of a suspect. In a matter of weeks, we were exposed to so many stains on the body of the Police. The National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo reacted.
Listyo's reaction was harsh, of course. Obviously firm too. He called for the dismissal of any police officers who violated the rules in carrying out their duties. Not just fired. The enforcement of criminal sanctions for police who violate the positive law is also mandatory.
"Strict action is needed. So please don't take long, remove them immediately, dismissal (PTDH), and criminal proceedings. Do it immediately and this will be an example for others. I ask that there be no doubts from Kasatwil. When in doubt, I take over," Listyo said in a statement in a video conference, Tuesday, October 19.
In addition, Listyo also called for the police not to be anti-critic. The former Banten Police Chief also urged that every public criticism be used as an evaluation material, not ammunition to attack the critics back.
"Don't be anti-critic, if there is criticism from the public, do introspection to be better," Listyo.
Listyo also expressed his concern that the negative actions of police officers that have been exposed recently are stains that have damaged many of the Polri institutions. Those stains are also a betrayal for the police who are committed to working optimally for the public.
Police viral cases

Termination of the alleged rape of three children by the East Luwu Police.
Three of my children were raped, I reported them to the police. Police Stop Investigation is an editorial that raises the story of the alleged rape of three children by his biological father. The article published on Wednesday, October 6 also tells about the termination of the alleged case by the East Luwu Police, South Sulawesi in 2019.
A few hours after publication, the @humasreslutim account managed by the East Luwu Police immediately branded the report as a hoax. The Project Multatuli website could not be accessed due to a Distributed Denial of Service (Ddos) digital attack.
Instead of being extinguished, the fate that befell Project Multatuli actually prompted a number of mass media to republish the news of the termination of the alleged rape case. The Chief Editor of Project Multatuli Fahri Salam appreciated this response.
"I can't figure it out. If we don't republish we will be alone. We are supported by many readers and journalists and they support us," said Fahri, written by Jaring.id.
Brimob member 'smacked' Tangerang students
Wednesday, October 13, five days after the case in East Luwu, police repressive actions surfaced. A student was slammed by the police in front of the Tangerang Regent's office. Brigadier NP was caught on camera slamming UIN SMH Banten student Fariz to the ground.
Fariz had a seizure at the location. After the incident, with a police officer next to him, Fariz had time to say he was fine. A video also shows NP apologizing and hugging Fariz.
However, a few days later Fariz's condition was worrying. He was vomiting. A number of body parts can not be moved either. In the latest news, doctors from Ciputra Hospital, Tangerang, stated that Fariz's condition was improving.
Fariz has also been allowed to go home. Meanwhile, based on the results of the internal trial of the Banten Police, Tangerang Police, and supervised by the Profession and Security (Propam) Division of the National Police Headquarters, Brigadier NP was charged with multiple layers of articles. A number of sanctions are given to NP.
NP was transferred and received a written warning, which is said to have implications for making the promotion process difficult. The police have not investigated further the alleged criminal offense by NP. So far, he is considered to have only failed to secure the demonstration according to the procedures at the Bhayangkara Corps.
Police chief rapes suspect's child
The super-savage and disgusting thing was revealed by the Head of the Parigi Moutong Police - now it has been removed - Iptu IDGN. He raped the son of a suspect in Parigi, Central Sulawesi with the promise that his father would be released.
The woman with the initials S, who is 20 years old, also admitted that she had been seduced by Iptu IDGN many times. "With the mother, he said, 'if you want money, you'll sleep with me'," said S to reporters, October 18.
"Then a few weeks (later) he offered again, he persuaded to say later he will help me if, for example, I want to accompany him to sleep," she added, written by Detikcom.
"Then I finally did. And he gave me money. And he said 'This is for your mama, not to pay you.' This is to help mama because she feels sorry for mama,'" said S.
"He asked again a second time, and there was a chat. I really hope he can get my Papa out," said S.
Police beat civilians in Deliserdang
A police officer beats a man in Deliserdang, North Sumatra. The man was beaten until he lay on the street.
In the video that went viral on social media, the man in the black jacket was repeatedly slapped in the face. He is also powerless to fight.
Then a man and a woman came to the man. The woman claims to be the man's mother and tries to protect her child from being beaten again.
Another viral video shows the abuse supposedly happened because the man in the black jacket refused to get a ticket. He is also said to have shouted at the Traffic Traffic Unit officers and made rude remarks.
The act of checking the cellphones of any 'celebrity' police officer Ambarita is a problem
Aipda Ambarita was transferred after a viral video showed him and his team at the East Jakarta Police checking a young man's cellphone for no apparent reason. Metro Jaya Police has confirmed that there was a procedural error in the investigation carried out by Ambarita and his team.
Ambarita is currently undergoing an examination at the Propam Division of the Metro Jaya Police. In the viral video, Ambarita and his team stopped a young man in the middle of a patrol.
Ambarita and the team then checked the youth's cellphone. The young man actually had an argument to protect his right to privacy.
However, Ambarita and the team urged the young man to hand over his cellphone. "Mr. Ambarita there is an alleged SOP error."
"But there are allegations of disciplinary violations that were carried out because there are provisions for SOPs for searches. That's why we carried out an investigation at Propam," said the Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Commissioner Yusri Yunus, Tuesday, October 19.
*Read other information about the POLICE or read other interesting articles from Yudhistira Mahabharata.
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