JAKARTA - We can easily see student complaints about lecturers who are often used as memes. Indeed, this is legitimate as solace. But we also seem to need to know that being a lecturer is not that joking. To the extent that an anecdote emerges that the tridharma has changed to four dharmas, because apart from teaching, researching, and serving the community, a fourth task is added: administrative work.

On social media, memes about lecturers are often scattered. For example, the question of a supervisor who seems "killer" and difficult to find, until the revision process that seems endlessly repeated becomes a frightening specter for final year students.

Especially for final year students, revision and thesis are two things that are impossible to avoid. This is what is often used as meme material.

Lecturer meme (Instagram.com/meme.in)

In addition, the memes that often appear on the timeline are about lecturers' instructions which seem like an inviolable word.

Lecturer meme (instagram.com/memecomicindonesia)

Lecturer workload

Behind the funny meme about lecturers, it turns out that life as a teacher is not that funny. Lately, many lecturers have expressed their opinions about the administrative workload which is quite draining.

It all started with the upload of Professor of Anthropology at the University of Indonesia, Sulistyowati Irianto, who explained the administrative workload that took up time and energy. He said that currently, the main task of lecturers is no longer the tridharma but the four dharmas.

"The lecturer's duties are Empat Darma: teaching, research, community service, and filling out forms, administrative forms... Every policy change from the Ministry (government) must be filled in. Sipeg, Simlibtamas, Arjuna, Sister, and now there's another mySAP.bkn.go.id," said Sulistyowati via her Facebook account.

Sulistyowati questioned whether the workload of lecturers was still lacking so that they still had to be charged with administrative work. In fact, they are already busy teaching, researching, and making journals that must be published in institutions that have a high reputation in the world.

"Every semester you have to fill in the BKD with the threat that if you don't fill it out, you won't get incentives. Then every time there is a new policy from the government, you have to fill out various forms again," said Sulistyowati.

This burdensome administrative workload is also felt by private campus lecturers. One of them is a lecturer in Civil Engineering at Mercubuana University, Syafiadi.

Syafiadi explained to VOI that the administrative workload of lecturers is quite time-consuming. In addition to having to teach and keep journals, they are also burdened with the task of managing Lecturer Workload (BKD) reporting.

As explained on the Kemdikbud website, BKD is a description of the SKS load of lecturers carrying out the Tri Dharma in the next semester. This lecturer's workload needs to be reported periodically to get an overview of the real performance of the lecturer in implementing the Tri Dharma in the count of credits for the last semester that has been undertaken.

"Usually BKD for permanent lecturers is a bit heavy. Every semester it is necessary to write journals both nationally and internationally and also make books like that," said Syafiadi.

Indeed, for non-permanent lecturers, most of them are busy making materials for teaching, but they also have to take care of administration. "Administration certainly needs to record who the lecturers teach, but the BKD is not as heavy as a permanent lecturer," said Syafiadi.

Hindering academics

Lecturer cum Observer of Public Policy at Trisakti University, Trubus Rahadiansyah agrees that the administrative workload of lecturers is very burdensome. "It's hard now. Lecturers are supposed to be tridharma but they are more burdened with administration," he told VOI.

Trubus gave an example of some of the administrative work, such as filling out forms, annual reports, self-evaluations, and BKD. "Filling out forms, filling out annual reports, self-evaluations, various kinds of things, the main thing is administration. The BKD also contains the administration of the store."

Every semester, Trubus said, the lecturer is obliged to make reports such as details of research activities and become resource persons. If this is not done, then their incentives freeze.

"Every semester, a report is made for research activities where, where to be the resource person, it must be uploaded one by one. If not, the money doesn't come out, the lecturers' allowances too. Even though the amount is not much. It's small," said Trubus.

According to the person who has been a lecturer for 20 years, this administrative work hinders academic work. "This hinders. To write, to develop knowledge, it is difficult. Therefore, the workload of lecturers is mostly administrative," said Trubus.

And this administrative workload doubles, every time there is a new policy from the government. "Every time there is a new policy from the government there must be an administration that is taken care of. So start over again," said Trubus.

*Read other information about EDUCATION or read other interesting articles from Ramdan Febrian Arifin.


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