Jakarta - The candidate for governor of DKI Jakarta, Ridwan Kamil (RK), revealed the budget allocation plan of Rp. 100 million to Rp. 200 million for each Rukun Warga (RW) in Jakarta. The purpose of this budget allocation is to adjust the needs and development that are different in each RW.

Ridwan Kamil made this statement during a press conference after attending the RIDO pair winning ceremony (Ridwan Kamil-Suswono) which was held at the DPD of the Golkar Party in Jakarta, Menteng, on Saturday, September 21. The event is part of the strategy to win the RIDO pair in the 2024 DKI Jakarta Pilkada.

"Jakarta is too broad to decide all its affairs through City Hall. That is why we have a program for each RW to be given a budget of Rp. 100 million to Rp. 200 million," said Ridwan Kamil, who is familiarly called Kang Emil.

According to Emil, this program aims to decentralize development decisions to the local level, so that each RW can decide for itself the needs of development in its environment. Thus, development in Jakarta is expected to be more equitable and in accordance with the specific needs of each region.

In addition, Emil also explained that the salaries of the head of the Neighborhood Association (RT) and the head of the RW will be raised, outside of the budget allocated for development.

"There are 2,700 RWs in Jakarta that can decide for themselves the future of their environment. There are RWs that need to solve the waste problem, some need to organize their congestion, and some are focused on local economic development. All of this can be accommodated through the RW budget," added Emil.

Ridwan Kamil also explained that this program is not only focused on physical development, but can also be used for social and cultural activities within the RW. "There is no spirit, garbage is done, the economy is going well, and cultural and social events can be held more easily," he said.

In carrying out the vision and mission of the RIDO pair, Emil emphasized the importance of the three main principles, namely decentralization, collaboration, and innovation, or what he calls the formula "D-K-I."

"Later, if someone works, we can see, 'Oh, Mr. Suswono is decentralizing again,' or 'Oh, this is Mr. Ridwan again in collaboration and innovation.' With these three formulas, we will measure our work," concluded Emil.

The couple Ridwan Kamil and Suswono (RIDO) hope that with the concept of decentralization of this development, Jakarta will become a more organized and prosperous city for all its citizens.

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