JAKARTA – Actions of intolerance that led to persecution against members of the Christian Church of Kemah Daud in Lampung on 19 February 2023 are not the first time this has happened in Indonesia. Throughout 2022 alone, according to the records of the Indonesian Human Rights Monitor (Imparsial), there have been 26 cases of intolerance.

Starting from the ban on the implementation of worship, and the prohibition on the establishment of places of worship, to the polemic on the implementation of worship by minority groups. According to the Executive Director of the Indonesian Moderate Network, Islah Bahrawi, this is not a trivial matter. It must receive serious attention from the government and of course all religious people. Do not let it be a lighter that divides the nation.

"Intolerant actions such as the persecution of congregation members who are in the middle of worship are actually radical attitudes, and have even gone to extremes. This is a violation of the law," said Islah to VOI on 21 February 2023.

Communities must realize that inter-religious harmony is one of the main assets in creating national harmony. With the creation of national harmony, Indonesia's dream of becoming an advanced and prosperous nation can be realized.

Thus, it has become a fixed price to build and maintain harmony.

Related to that, according to Islah, the Ministry of Religion has actually massively intensified the religious moderation program. It has been maximized in providing counseling to the community to uphold the attitude of tolerance between people.

However, its effectiveness is still lacking. In addition to the absence of law enforcement, the community also does not respond positively to these programs.

Illustration - Society must cultivate and maintain inter-religious harmony. Teach children tolerance and respect for each other from an early age. (Antara/Siswowidodo)

"Without a response from the community, any extension program as massive as it is will only be programs that are routine in nature. It's just like the New Order era with P4 training courses," said Islah.

"So, to be able to fight intolerance, the Ministry of Religion, the community, and law enforcement must go hand in hand without any imbalances in acceleration," continued Islah.

Islah believes that all religions, whether Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, or Buddhism certainly teach goodness, teach a tolerant life, and respect differences. Everything is based on humanity, based on love, and based on peace.

“No religion teaches its followers to hurt each other. So, acts of intolerance are the enemy of all religions," he said.

Protected by the Constitution

Special Staff of the Advisory Board of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) Romo Benny Susetyo also considered that intolerant actions were contrary to the mandate of the constitution.

Article 29 of the 1945 Constitution unequivocally states that the state is based on Belief in One Almighty God and the state guarantees the freedom of each resident to embrace their own religion and to worship according to their religion and beliefs.

"President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has also emphasized to regional leaders to be careful and must be loyal to the constitution, not to agreements. So, actions of intolerance cannot be justified whatever the reason," said Benny to VOI on February 21, 2023.

Regarding the incident at the Christian Kemah Daud Church in Lampung, Benny also asked all religious groups to understand the Joint Regulations of the Minister of Religion and the Minister of Home Affairs Numbers 9 and 8 of 2006 which regulates the Guidelines for the Implementation of the Duties of Regional Heads/Deputy Regional Heads in Maintaining Religious Harmony, Empowerment Religious Harmony Forum, and Establishment of Worship Tent.

Article 13 reads:

(1) The construction of houses of worship is based on real and genuine needs based on the composition of the population for the services of the religious community concerned in the sub-district/village area.

(2) The construction of houses of worship as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be carried out while maintaining religious harmony, not disturbing public order and tranquility, and complying with laws and regulations.

(3) In the event that the actual need for services for religious communities in the district/village area as referred to in paragraph (1) is not fulfilled, considerations for the composition of the total population are used as the boundaries of the sub-district or regency/city or province.

Meanwhile, Article 14 confirms:

(1) The establishment of a house of worship must comply with the administrative requirements and technical requirements for the building.

(2) In addition to fulfilling the requirements referred to in paragraph (1), the establishment of a Worship Tent must meet special requirements including:

  1. List of names and Identity Cards for users of houses of worship for at least 90 (ninety) people legalized by local officials according to the level of regional boundaries as referred to in Article 13 paragraph (3);
  2. Local community support of at least 60 (sixty) people approved by the district/village head;
  3. A written recommendation from the head of the regency/city department of religion; And
  4. District/city FKUB written recommendation.

(3) In the event that the requirements as referred to in paragraph (2) letter a are met while the requirements in letter b are not met, the local government is obliged to facilitate the availability of a location for the construction of a prayer tent.

The community and the Christian Church of the Tabernacle of David had a peaceful dialogue. (Ministry of Religion Lampung Region)

"The rules are clear, mediation must be carried out from the regional head to exercise citizens' constitutional rights by providing facilities, for example, temporary permits. Of course, we hope that these intolerant actions should be stopped immediately and the state should be present to provide constitutional guarantees," added Benny.

Chairman of the MUI Harmony Division, Yusnar Yusuf also hopes that all parties will be able to maintain harmony. Whatever the reason, people should not be easily provoked by emotions.

"If you don't have a permit, so don't use it, don't force it. Local people also don't get emotional, they have to be wiser. If you want to give a warning, do it after worship, compromise first. So, all must tolerate each other, respect each other," he said to VOI on 21 February 2023.

Yusnar also hopes that there will be no negative stigma against certain religions.

“Don't accuse Islam of intolerance. We are very tolerant, in West Sumatra for example in the City of Bukittinggi or the City of Padang. There are only 2 churches that have construction permits, but in reality, there can be hundreds of churches operating. People don't care about it either," he said.

As is known, on February 19, 2023, a number of residents forcibly dispersed the church congregation who were worshiping because they thought that the residential house that was used as the Kemah Daud Christian Church did not yet have a permit as a place of worship. The church is located on Soekarno Hatta Street, Rajabasa Jaya Village.

However, according to the Head of the Lampung Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion, Puji Raharjo, conditions are already conducive, "The community and the church have resolved the problem through peaceful dialogue according to existing regulations."

The Priest of the Kemah Daud Christian Church, Naek Siregar, also considered that the problem had been resolved, “We don't want to corner anyone over this incident. We just want to be solemn in worship.”

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