JAKARTA The candidate for naturalization of the Indonesian national team, Ole Romeny, is said to be completing the transfer of his citizens soon. He is not alone, there are two other players who are scheduled to take the oath of Indonesian citizens (WNI) on February 8, 2025.

This news is known from the information shared by the Minister of Law of the Republic of Indonesia, Supratman Andi Agtas. He also hopes that Ole Romeny's naturalization process which is being considered in the DPR RI can run smoothly.

"God willing, on February 8, we will take an oath, hopefully the process in the DPR will roll quickly," Supratman said in a statement quoted on Thursday, January 30, 2025.

Not alone, Supratman also said that the process of taking the oath of Indonesian citizens was not only carried out by Ole Romeny, but also two other players who would play in the U-20 Indonesian national team, namely the Geypens Team and Dion Markx. Both are reported to have taken care of documents since November 2024.

He emphasized the main thing that the Ministry of Law and Human Rights supports PSSI and the Ministry of Youth and Sports in terms of naturalizing players.

"The hope of the Indonesian people to appear in the World Cup is a fixed price," said Supratman.

Previously, Menpora Dito Ariotedjo also had time to say that Ole would be sworn in as an Indonesian citizen in January 2025.

Ole Romeny is one of the prospective naturalized players of the Indonesian national team who is projected to appear in the near future.

Meanwhile, the General Chairperson (Ketum) of PSSI, Erick Thohir, said that the Oxford United player had also undergone a medical examination and only needed to take the oath as an Indonesian citizen.

Even so, the 24-year-old striker still has to get approval from the DPR regarding a request for citizenship transfer.

If the process of becoming an Indonesian citizen is officially completed, then Ole Romeny will have the opportunity to make his debut with the Indonesian national team against Australia in Sydney on March 20, 2025 in the continuation match of the 2026 World Cup Qualification Third Round.

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