Minister Bahlil's Plan For Relocation Of Fertilizer Factory Gets Strong Opposition, What's The Matter?

JAKARTA, - The plan of the Minister of Investment/Head of BPKM Bahlil Lahadalia to relocate the construction of a fertilizer factory which was originally in the Teluk Bintuni Regency area to the Fakfak Regency, West Papua, has received opposition from various parties. Moreover, in his statement Bahlil said, "We can move the fertilizer factory, let alone the territorial boundaries." This statement was made by Bahlil during a visit to Fakfak on September 27, as quoted from

Regent of Teluk Bintuni Regency, Ir. Petrus Kasihiw, MT, and the Governor of the Papuan NGO Lira Toenjes Swansen Maniagasi, SH, assessed that Minister Bahlil's statement regarding the transfer of fertilizer factories and moving boundaries was considered arrogant and did not see the pre-existing history.

"He (Minister Bahlil-ed) is arrogant. He said that he could just move the fertilizer factory to Fakfak, let alone the boundary. He said this did not know the potential for conflict at the border that could occur. This is a minister. That statement can lead to conflict. It is not proper for a minister to speak like that. No respect for the community at all," said Petrus Kasihiw in a press statement, Monday, October 4, 2021, as published in several media.

Toenjes Swansen Maniagasi said the same thing. As a State official, Bahlil does not need to show such an attitude at the terminal. Especially in front of indigenous people. "And don't pretend to know what is determined by custom. Therefore, if there is a statement from an indigenous child like Mr. Petrus Kasihiw as the Regent of Teluk Bintuni Regency, this means it is very risky. So the example shown by Bahlil is very inaccurate, the Regent must have a reason, so he asked Bahlil to clarify the statement," he said to

In his explanation, the Regent of Teluk Bintuni reminded Bahlil that Bintuni Bay as an industrial area has been regulated by various binding regulations, namely Presidential Regulation No. 109 of 2020 concerning the Third Amendment to Presidential Regulation No. 3 of 2016 concerning Acceleration of Implementation of National Strategic Projects. He did not accept Minister Bahlil's statement that he would relocate the fertilizer factory to Fakfak.

"We will present the Governor, Chairman of the MRP in Onar as an industrial area. This has all been tied to various Presidential Regulations and other laws and regulations. It's all been agreed. When it comes to land issues, we can have a good talk. It's not like that and then talk about moving factories. Don't mess up the progress we're making," continued Petrus Kasihiw.

Kasihiw emphasized that if Bahlil wants to move the fertilizer factory out of Bintuni Bay to Fakfak Regency, it must comply with the request of the Bintuni Seven Tribe community that the factory should not ask for gas from Bintuni Bay. “You can bring the factory to Fakfak but don't supply gas from Bintuni, if the factory is moved we emphasize that the gas supply is not from Bintuni. Please take it from outside so that I support the statement of the LMA (Indigenous Peoples Institution) 7 Tribes as the owner of gas and oil in Bintuni Bay,” he said.

The President of the NGO LIRA, Drs. HM Yusuf Rizal, SH, SE, MSi., responding to the outrageous statement by Minister Bahlil Lahadalia, said he supported what the Governor of the Papuan NGO LIRA had criticized a minister's statement.

In its development, it turns out that the case has dragged on several old cases involving Bahlil. Even before he served as a Minister, as revealed by the Governor of the Papuan NGO Lira Toenjes Swansen Maniagasi, SH and the Secretary General of Axes (Anti-Corruption Indigenous Peoples Community) Johan Manbri Rumkoren. He asked the KPK or the Prosecutor's Office to immediately take the alleged case that was allegedly carried out by the Regent of Fakfak Mohammad Uswanas at the time (when it was reported) and drag the name of businessman Bahlil Lahadalia who now serves as Investment Minister/Head of BPKM. According to him, his party had reported this case to the Papua Prosecutor's Office in 2012 and the KPK in 2013. But the realization of the legal process has not been completed, it is still floating until now. "We questioned the performance of law enforcement regarding this report. But the answer is not satisfactory. In the near future we will visit the Attorney General's Office and the KPK to ask about this again," he said.

Until this news Minister Bahlil has not given an official explanation. Short messages sent via personal mobile phones have not been responded to. The BKPM Altania public relations staff who were contacted said that they had submitted questions but had not yet received directions to provide answers to the confirmations submitted. "We have received your question and it has been submitted to Mr. Balil, but so far there has been no direction for us to provide an answer to this question. Later, if there are directions to answer, I will contact you," he explained.

Because this issue seems to be running in place, Anis Wanane, Secretary of the Papuan NGO LIRA urges this case to be resolved. “Right now, the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR, only the ministers have been arrested by the KPK, even though there are no complaints from the public. This case has been reported, but the process is like going in place. In the near future, we will ask the KPK and the Attorney General's Office about the process of this case," Anis Wanane told