Armed Criminal Group Attacks Health Workers To Death, Government Protection Is Questionable

JAKARTA - The Deputy Chairman of the SETARA Institute's Governing Body, Bonar Tigor Naipospos, questioned the form of state protection that was carried out in dealing with the conflict in Papua.

This is in response to the violence carried out by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) against health workers in Kiwirok District, Bintang Mountains Regency, Papua which resulted in the death of Gabriela Meilani.

"It is questionable what has been done by the state so far, in this case, the Indonesian apparatus, human security is not a top priority," Bonar said in his statement, Tuesday, September 21.

Bonar said civilian objects and workers in the sector should receive maximum protection. This is because they are at the forefront of providing services to the civilian population in areas of armed conflict.

"Basic needs and supporting infrastructure for public services are still far from adequate. The deployment of armed forces is prioritized over providing protection for residents. Meanwhile, violence against indigenous Papuans continues to occur," he said.

However, not only that. Bonar also regretted the attitude of the Free Papua Movement National Defense Army (TPN OPM) group which ignored the protection of civilians.

Bonar questioned the TPN OPM's method of fighting for its right to independence. Because Bonar sees that TPN OPM seems to have a strategy of paralyzing public services so that the impact of a humanitarian crisis occurs.

"This kind of strategy is bad and counter-productive. TPN OPM does not realize that the actions taken to target civilian objects and civilians will lose sympathy from both domestic, national, and international circles," he said.

However, he said, armed violence from either side cannot be justified. Civilian casualties will continue to fall due to the cycle of violence.

"The SETARA Institute continues to relentlessly call on the Indonesian security forces and the armed group TPN OPM to take steps to reduce tensions and end hostilities as the first step towards a comprehensive resolution of the Papuan conflict," he said.

As previously reported, the body of a health worker named Gabriela Meilani was successfully evacuated on Friday, September 17 afternoon after receiving equipment loan assistance from the Jayapura SAR.

He died after falling into a ravine with a number of his friends. Previously, Gabriela had been persecuted by KKB members.

There are also 10 health workers on duty in the district. Where four health workers who are victims of persecution are still being treated at Marthen Indey Hospital, Jayapura.

The four health workers who are still being treated, namely Dr. Restu Pamanggi, Katrianti Tandila, Emanuel Abi, and Kristina Sampe Tonapa.