Despite Being Infected With A Virus Such As COVID-19, The Head Of BNPB Suggests This To The Community

JAKARTA - Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Lt. Gen. Ganip Warsito asked residents to always pray and maintain immunity despite being infected with viruses such as COVID-19. "We pray and believe that we will recover", said Ganip in a written statement received in Jakarta, Sunday, August 8.

In his opportunity to greet residents who were exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) building, Pekanbaru City, Riau Province, Ganip gave encouragement to those who were isolating in that place. "Stay healthy and get well soon. The key is immunity, safety, and faith", he said.

The BPSDM is one of the government facilities used for handling COVID-19 since last September 2020. The building managed by the provincial government was converted into a centralized isolation facility (isoter) for COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms.

Before leaving the Riau Province BPSDM isolation facility, Ganip again advised the patients to keep a positive mind and spirit. "Keep your mind healthy, keep the spirit alive", he said.

One of the doctors alerted at BPSDM, Citra Iskandar said that this isolation facility was supported by three doctors on duty. "Other facilities are provided, namely oxygen cylinders, medicines, nutritious food, and healthy exercise together", he said.

In addition to the BPSDM, the local government has also prepared five isolation facilities. The provincial government provides the Education Quality Assurance Institute building, Health Training Center, and Hajj dormitory.

Especially in the Hajj dormitory, the isolation facility has a capacity of 513 beds for patients with moderate symptoms. While in the city area, the Pekanbaru City Government operates the Rusunawa as a centralized isolation facility.

The total centralized isolation capacity in the Riau Province is 1.092 beds.

Meanwhile, data from the Riau Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force as of August 6, 2021, recorded a recapitulation of 105.125 positive confirmed cases in all regencies and cities, with the highest number in Pekanbaru City, namely 43.734 cases or 41.6 percent of the total number of cases in the province.

Of all the district and city administration areas, only the Meranti Islands Regency is in the moderate risk zone. Other administrative areas are in high-risk zones.

These are suggestions and input from the Head of BNPB to the community to maintain immunity so that the risk of being exposed to COVID-19 can be minimized.