This Is ICW's Response To Moeldoko's Summons

JAKARTA - The attorney for Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), M Isnur, confirmed that his party had answered the summons submitted by the Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko. The answer was sent by letter on Tuesday, August 3 last.

"So it is clear that Moeldoko's attorney is wrong if he later says that he has not received a reply from ICW", Isnur said in a written statement received by VOI, Saturday, August 7.

In the reply letter, said Isnur, ICW emphasized several things. First, regarding Moeldoko's involvement in the distribution of Ivermectin, which has a potential conflict of interest due to his son's business relationship with the Vice President of PT Harsen Laboratories, Sofia Koeswara.

"Not only that, but several reports also mentioned that Mr. Moeldoko had asked Sofia to immediately process the distribution permit for Ivermectin. In fact, at the same time clinical trials of Ivermectin have not been completed", he said.

Still, at the same point, ICW also mentioned that Ivermectin was distributed by the Indonesian Farmers' Association (HKTI) where Moeldoko was the chairman. This activity was carried out in Central Java in collaboration with PT Harsen Laboratories and resulted in a warning from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).

"Therefore, it is only natural that the public will press for clarification from Moeldoko regarding his actions regarding the Ivermectin drug", Isnur said.

Second, ICW also answered about rice exports between HKTI and PT Noorpay Nusantara Perkasa. According to Isnur, this is a form of misinformation that has actually been rectified through a press release on ICW's website.

"Referring to the press release contained on the ICW website, it was stated that HKTI collaborated with PT Noorpay Nusantara Perkasa in terms of sending HKTI cadres to Thailand to attend training on Nature Farming and Effective Microorganism Technology," he explained.

So, it is not appropriate if Moeldoko considers this as defamation. "Because the men's rea does not lead to actions as alleged and it can be proven by press releases that have been uploaded on the ICW website", he said.

Furthermore, Isnur also denied that the study conducted by ICW was based on political motives. The reason is that these non-governmental organizations often conduct research related to corrupt practices, including political corruption.

One method that is often used, he continued, is the mapping of political relations between public officials and business people. Based on this mapping, conflicts of interest are often found which lead to corrupt practices.

Moreover, this kind of study is not the first time that ICW has issued a pandemic during the pandemic and this is done solely to monitor the wheels of government.

"Therefore, every time ICW issues a study, one of its urges is also to target public officials to clarify", said Isnur.

As previously reported, Moeldoko's attorney, Otto Hasibuan, said that he had not received a reply from ICW. This was conveyed in an online press conference on Thursday, August 5.

"So we say that this is not true. Because we have never received a reply letter from Isnur or ICW", said Otto at the time.

Moeldoko demanded an apology from ICW for his alleged involvement with PT Harsen Laboratories, which is the manufacturer of the drug Ivermectin. In addition, he also demanded that ICW researcher Egi Primayogha submit evidence for the allegations that he considered slander.