Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Have Been Blessed With A Second Child, Named Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor

JAKARTA - Happy news came to the British Royal family, along with the news of the birth of the couple's second child Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Born on Friday, June 4 at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, California, United States, this baby girl, named Lilibet 'Lili' Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, weighs about 3.4 kg.

The choice of name is a tribute to Queen Elizabeth II after a difficult year for the couple and the British Royal family. Lilibet is the surname for the 95-year-old Queen of England.

Buckingham Palace said Queen Elizabeth II, Harry's father Prince Charles, and his brother and wife, Princes William and Kate, were delighted with the news. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson joined them in sending his congratulations.

"The Queen, Prince of Wales, and Duchess of Cornwall, as well as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, have been informed and are very pleased with the news of the birth of a daughter to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex," as reported by Reuters, Monday, June 7.

William and Kate said on their official Twitter account: "We are all delighted with the good news about the arrival of baby Lili. Congratulations to Harry, Meghan, and Archie."

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced the birth of their daughter with a statement.

"On June 4, we were blessed with the arrival of our daughter, Lili. She is more than we could ever have imagined, and we remain grateful for the love and prayers we feel from around the world," they said in a statement.

"Thank you for your continued kindness and support during this very special time for our family," the statement continued.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle said Diana's middle name was chosen in honor of her grandmother, Princess Diana, who died in a car crash in Paris in 1997.

Both the mother and the baby, who is eighth in line to the throne, are fine and have returned home, their press secretary said.

The nature of the announcement, barely two days after the birth, reflects the new life the couple has chosen in the United States.

The name given to the baby also echoes the name given to Prince William's only daughter, Harry's older sister, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.