Cartenz Peace Task Force: Papuan KKB Burns 7 School Buildings During 2024
Head of Operations for the Cartenz Peace Task Force Brigadier General Faizal Rahmadani said the armed criminal group (KKB) reportedly burned seven school buildings in various areas in Tanah Papua during 2024.
"During 2024, there were seven schools that were burned by the KKB, ranging from PAUD to SLTA/SMK buildings in the Papua Mountains and Central Papua Provinces," said Brigadier General Faizal Rahmadani in Jayapura, Friday, January 3, as reported by Antara.
The action carried out by the KKB is predicted to still color the kamtibmas in Papua, so that the TNI-Polri, including the Cartenz Peace Task Force, will try to take action against members of the group.
According to him, the working area of the Cartenz Peace Task Force is located in seven regencies and cities in three provinces, namely Papua, Papua Mountains and Central Papua, namely Jayapura City, Lanny Jaya, Nduga, Puncak, Dogiay, Intan Jaya, Yahukimo, Jayawijaya and Mimika.
The Cartenz Peace Task Force through the law enforcement team will continue to pursue KKB members who are on the wanted list (DPO), including former member of the Askel Mabel Police who took away four firearms belonging to the Yalimo Police.
During 2024, operations carried out by the Cartenz Peace Task Force killed 27 KKB members, 11 KKB injured, and secured 12 firearms.
"The Cartenz Peace Task Force also seized 35 KKB headquarters and enforced 98 police reports with 15 cases resolved to court," said Faizal.