DPRD Asks Residents To Use Pipewater To Minimize The Impact Of Rob Floods
JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta DPRD member Gias Kumari Putra asked the public not to use groundwater anymore and switch to piped clean water for daily activities.
Gias said that the use of piped water could suppress land subsidence, thereby minimizing the impact of coastal flooding or tidal flooding in Jakarta.
"We openly convey to residents the importance of reducing groundwater use and switching to PAM Jaya water. Moreover, PAM Jaya water can now be directly drunk," Gias told reporters, Thursday, January 2.
The DKI Provincial Government is targeting Perumda PAM Jaya to increase service coverage by 100 percent of Jakarta residents by 2030. Based on the results of the recess in the field, basically people are willing to use piped water completely.
"People really accept it because it is difficult to get clean water and are worthy of drinking. The presence of PAM Jaya is able to answer their needs. Clean water which can also be directly drunk is a real solution," he said.
However, Gias admitted that there were still several complaints from the public regarding the clean water service managed by the DKI Jakarta regional-owned enterprise (BUMD).
"We have conveyed all the complaints directly to the President Director of PAM Jaya, Mr. Arief Nasrudin, and so far everything has been responded well," he said.
Separately, PAM Jaya President Director Arief Nasrudin revealed that his party has a hotline center service for Jakarta residents who experience problems or clean water problems.
Customers are welcome to submit complaints, get information, and solutions to obstacles related to clean water.
"The purpose of the hotline center is for information services provided by PAM Jaya to customers in full, and vice versa. This is one of the means of information and communication for customers who have problems or problems, especially regarding water in their homes," said Arief.
Arief said, this hotline center service operates 24 hours for 7 days.
"The PAM Jaya hotline center number can be contacted via the Whatsapp number at 081212222423. For the West (ex Palyja) service zone, the public can contact the telephone number at 02129979999. Meanwhile, the East region service zone (ex Aetra), at 02186909999," he said.