School Opening Trial In Jakarta Is Conducted For 2 Months

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said that the trial for opening schools with face-to-face learning (PTM) was conducted for two months starting today.

"Meanwhile, the online and offline mixed face-to-face school will be conducted for two months. Later, we will see if it is possible to add more", said Riza after reviewing SMKN 2 Jakarta (National Vocational School), Wednesday, April 7.

Riza said that during the implementation, schools that implement the PTM will be monitored and evaluated. After that, the DKI Provincial Government will decide whether to continue with the PTM or add other breakthroughs.

"Later, the Head of the Education Office and staff will evaluate it thoroughly. Then, the Governor (Anies Baswedan) will decide", he said.

Riza said that students who attended school were quite enthusiastic about taking face-to-face learning. However, it turns out that currently there are still a few parents who allow their children to study offline.

"We do this activity on purpose and of course we have to get support from parents. To this day, there is about 20-30 percent of parents who allow their children to meet face to face", he said.

Previously, the schools that are opened had passed training for two weeks. The levels of schools that are opened start from elementary schools/junior high school/Islamic schools and high schools/vocational schools/learning centers/Course and Training Institute.

There is also a health protocol that is applied in the school opening trial, which is that the number of face-to-face days is limited to one day a week for one grade level.

The number of students is limited with a maximum of 50 percent of the capacity per class and a distance of 1.5 meters between students.

The study duration is limited to 3 to 4 hours per day. Learning materials are limited, that is, only essential materials are delivered in face-to-face learning.

Educational units that have attended blended learning training. Teachers and education personnel who are present at the school have been vaccinated.