1,275 Participants From 26 Countries Attend HLF-MSP-IAF Bali, TNI Deploys Anoa For Security
BALI - Anoa combat vehicles were deployed to secure several vital objects for the 2nd High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (HLF-MSP) and Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF) events in Nusa Dua, Bali on 1-3 September 2024.
Dansubsatgas Pengamanan Tempat Kegiatan Kolonel Inf. Arif Susanto mengatakan, kendaraan taktik dan personel bakal melaksanakan pengamanan venue selama kegiatan berlangsung. Adapun di antaranya venue tersebut Hotel Intercontinental, Hotel Mulia, dan Hotel Westin.
"We are tasked with coordinating and carrying out security in Ring 2 and Ring 3 in all objects that will be used as places for VVIP activities," Arif said in his statement in Denpasar, Saturday, September 1, which was confiscated by Antara.
He said his unit of Kodam IX/Udayana had carried out a thorough check of all facilities and equipment, including combat vehicles and tactical vehicles.
The Pam Subsatgas, which is under the command of the Pamwil Task Force, is divided into three security objects.
The Intercontinental Hotel is led by Danyonif 741/GN Lieutenant Colonel Inf. Gafur Talib, at the Mulia Hotel is led by Dandim 1609/Buleleng Lt. Col. Kav. Angga Nurdyana, and at the Westin Hotel is led by Dandim 1616/Gianyar Lt. Col. Cpn I Gede Winarsa.
Meanwhile, Kapendam IX/Udayana Colonel Inf. Agung Udayana as the Head of the Information Supporting Element of the Pamwil Task Force explained that the Security Task Force for Activity Places is a very important security organization.
This, said Kapendam, was because the Security Subsatgas was tasked with ensuring that night banquets and gatherings could run safely and smoothly.
Therefore, his party urges and invites all components of society and other stakeholders to jointly maintain security and order in order to make this international activity a success because this is a shared responsibility.
Based on a press release from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sunday, September 1, it was recorded that 1,275 participants from 26 countries had expressed their willingness to attend the 2nd HLF-MSP and IAF Bali.
This number consists of 782 government representatives, 102 from international organizations, 107 from non-governmental organizations, 128 from the private sector, 8 philanthropy, 9 think tank institutions, 56 academic communities, 9 multilateral banks, and 70 security officers.
This figure exceeds the initial target set, which is 1,000 participants, indicating great enthusiasm from various parties.