11 Hours Of Fighting, Ethnic Armed KIA Seize The Strategic Base Of The Myanmar Military On The Chinese Border

JAKARTA - The Kachin Independence Army (KIA), the military wing of Kachin State, again attacked the headquarters of the Myanmar military regime, and took control of a strategic hill in Bhamo District.

KIA Information Officer Colonel Naw Bu said the attack was carried out by Battalion 30 KIA against the headquarters and outpost of the Myanmar military in Alaw Hill.

He explained that the attack began on Wednesday, March 24 at around 5 in the afternoon. Thursday 25 at 4 a.m. or after 11 hours of fighting, the troops of the Myanmar military regime were successfully conquered and the post was taken by KIA

"Alaw Hill is relatively close to the Chinese border. From a military point of view, it is relatively strategic. British troops were deployed there during World War II. Reports that we had occupied three outposts were not true. The rest was only a group of guards guarding the outpost", explained Colonel Naw. Bu launched The Irrawaddy.

He further explained that the attack was carried out in retaliation for a military attack on the KIA outpost near Laiza, which is under the control of the KIA headquarters.

“The military regime forces opened fire on our post on Hpalap Hill (near Laiza) with artillery all night on 22 March. They fired again at Battalion 3 in Sadone the next day. They have been carrying out attacks for two to three days", he explained.

"Their artillery shells fell on our barracks. What's worse, artillery shells also fell in the Hkau Sau camp (on the Chinese border) and on Chinese territory", said Colonel Naw Bu.

KIA claims two artillery shells fell on Chinese territory on Tuesday. The Myanmar military did not comment.

"We heard gunfire until Wednesday night. But everything is fine in the city. Everyone is safe", said a Laiza resident.

In response to the developing situation, residents of the Weichyai refugee camp dug a bomb shelter this month.

Previously, KIA also attacked the Myanmar military headquarters at the jade mining center, Hpakant, and the Injangyang Township post on March 15. This comes after three Myanmar military anti-coup protesters were shot dead in the capital city of Kachin State, Myitkyina, on March 8 and in Hpakant on March 14.

KIA has warned the Myanmar Military Northern Command not to endanger the Myanmar military anti-coup protesters who are in Kachin.

Colonel Naw Bu could not confirm the number of casualties on the Myanmar military side and KIA had arrested an opposing battalion commander.

"So far they haven't told me about the fatalities", he told Myanmar Now.

To note, this month the KIA and the Myanmar military have been involved in armed clashes seven times. Fighting began in northern Shan State last month in territory controlled by KIA Brigades 4, 6, and 10, before spreading across the border into Kachin.

Regarding the Myanmar Coup. VOI editorial team continues to monitor the political situation in one of the ASEAN member countries. Casualties from civilians continue to fall. Readers can follow the news surrounding the Myanmar military coup by tapping on this link.