KPK Prosecutors Will Investigate Parties Involved In Money Laundering Flow Of Former Governor Of North Maluku AGK

MALUKU - Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) promised to continue tracing the flow of funds from the former Governor of North Maluku (Malut) Abdul Gani Kasuba (AGK) in the money laundering case.

"Of course, those who enjoy the flow of money from the defendants AGK one by one are revealed and become the facts of the trial, one of which is Eliya Gabrina Bachmid and many others," said KPK prosecutor Greafik to reporters at the Ternate District Court (PN), North Maluku, Wednesday, August 7, which was confiscated by Antara.

According to him, those who are referred to as recipients and enjoy the flow of money from the AGK who are aware that they come from criminal acts will be legally held accountable.

The trial of the money laundering case with the defendant AGK which scheduled the examination of mitigating witnesses and experts was held today at the Corruption Court at the Ternate District Court.

The defendant AGK presented one witness to relieve Ibrahim Abdulsalam. Meanwhile, the two experts presented were criminal expert Dr. Amriyanto and financial expert Dr. Irfan Zamzam, both of whom are lecturers at Khairun Ternate University.

In addition to the trial for the AGK defendant, today a follow-up hearing of the same case was held with the defendant, former AGK aide, Ramadhan Ibrahim.

The panel of judges also scheduled an agenda for reading the charges for the defendant AGK on August 22, 2024.

The KPK prosecutor presented a number of North Maluku Provincial Government officials as witnesses in the follow-up trial of the alleged bribery and gratification case of the former Governor of North Maluku AGK. Apart from officials from the North Maluku Provincial Government, witnesses from the private sector were also present.

Previously, the KPK prosecutor read out the indictment against the former Governor of North Maluku AGK in the case of accepting bribes and gratuities for buying and selling positions and infrastructure projects. The defendant AGK was charged with accepting bribes and gratuities for buying and selling positions and infrastructure projects amounting to Rp109.7 billion.

Greafik said that the defendant AGK as a state administrator received gratuities of Rp99.8 billion and 30 thousand Singapore dollars through transfer or in cash.

In this case, AGK used 27 accounts to receive gratuities and bribes, be it accounts belonging to the personal secretary, family or belonging to the defendant.