Police Difficulty Revealing The Identity Of The Perpetrator Of The Murder Of A Man Wrapped In Sacks In Bekasi

BEKASI - The police are still unable to reveal the alleged murder case of Waryanto (53) whose body was found a few days ago in a water channel behind the TPST office, Bantargebang, Bekasi.

Waryanto's body was found floating in a water channel, his head covered with sacks, hands and feet tied with rope from the water channel behind the Bantargebang TPST office, Bekasi City, Wednesday, July 17, at 14.00 WIB.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bekasi City Metro Police, AKBP Muhammad Firdaus said that his party had examined 45 witnesses, in order to reveal the identity of the perpetrator of Waryanto's murder.

"45 people have been interrogated," said Firdaus when confirmed, Friday, July 26.

Firdaus admitted that it was a little difficult to reveal the identity because many residents were closed when questioned.

"The difficulty of residents around the crime scene seems closed in providing information," he said.