The Warehouse Of SMAN 82 Kebayoran Baru Is On Fire

JAKARTA - The warehouse of SMAN 82 on Jalan Daha, Kebaroyan Baru, South Jakarta caught fire. A total of 14 firefighters (Damkar) were deployed.

South Jakarta Gulkarmat Piket Officer, Kusnanto said his party received a report on Monday, July 22, at 09.41 WIB.

"It's true that the school building caught fire," said Kusnanto in his statement, Monday, July 22.

Kusnanto said 52 personnel and 14 South Jakarta firefighters were deployed. As a result, the fire was successfully extinguished after taking an hour.

"Received the report 09.43 WIB, then at 09.52 WIB the blackout began. It was declared complete at 10.34 WIB," he said

Regarding the chronology until the loss cannot be conveyed. Because it is still in the data collection. He made sure that there were no casualties in the incident.

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