NTT Police Denies Counterfeiting Documents Of NTT Police Chief's Children Smoothing The 2024 Police Academy List

East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Regional Police (Polda) denied falsifying the child documents of the NTT Police Chief Inspector General (Irjen) of Police Daniel Tahi Monang Silitonga in order to pass the selection of candidates for cadets of the Police Academy (Akpol) in 2024.

Head of Public Relations of the NTT Police, Police Commissioner Ariasandy, said that the requirements for the sons/ daughters of Polri personnel, TNI and civil servants who live less than two years in the regional police station where they register are calculated at the time of the opening of education and can register with certain provisions.

"One of them is domiciled for at least six months at the regional police where they register by attaching a Family Card or Identity Card (KTP)," he told reporters in Kupang, NTT, Thursday, July 18, quoted by Antara.

In addition, parents of participants are moderate or have served in the regional police area where participants registered in the last two years by attaching a decree regarding the position of parents of participants.

Ariasandy said that the six-month domicile requirement for TNI, Polri, and Civil Servant children was calculated at the time of the opening of education.

"The opening of the Akpol education was in August 2023. So, the son of the Kapolda (NTT) has met the domicile requirements because it is more than seven months," he said.

The former South Central Timor Police Chief advised a number of journalists that in various reports that cornered one of the parties, it is better to confirm first.

This means that he wants journalists to apply the journalistic code of ethics in making news so that the news is balanced so that readers do not carelessly conclude the news that has been written.

"We hope that the media can carry out their duties professionally and guided by the journalistic code of ethics. Confirmation and verification before publishing the news is very important to avoid misunderstandings and the spread of inaccurate information," Ariasandy added.

This clarification is expected to straighten out the news circulating and provide a correct understanding to the public.

The NTT Regional Police affirmed their commitment to carry out the recruitment process in a transparent manner and in accordance with applicable regulations.

Previously, news emerged from an online media entitled "Allegedly Fake Documents Until Passing Their Biological Child In Catar Akpol 2024, This Is A Criminal Threat To The NTT Police Chief".

The news then caused various negative comments from people in NTT, even outside the region.