At The South Jakarta Police, BCL's Husband Brings Proof Of Transfer Of Money To His Ex-wife's Company
JAKARTA - Bunga Citra Lestari's husband (BCL), Tiko Aryawardhana, visited the South Jakarta Metro Police. Coming for questioning, the plontos-headed man again avoided the media crew who were waiting for him.
Until this news aired, Tuesday, July 16, at 19.03 WIB, Tiko was still undergoing examination.
Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Hendrikus Yossi, confirmed that currently Tiko is still being investigated by investigators.
"Yes, it is still being investigated." short Kompol Hendrikus Yossi told the media crew, Tuesday night, July 16.
Tiko's attorney, Irfan Aghasar, said that his client came to the South Jakarta Metro Police to provide evidence and data on the company's financial statements sent via Email to his ex-wife, Arina Winarto.
Tiko hari ini dengan tim saya mampu menghadirkan alat bukti dan keterangan-keterangan melalui data laporan keuangan yang pada saat itu masih aktif. Dikirimkan ke Arina (Pelapor) melalui email. Terus yang kedua transaksi keuangannya," ucapnya.
In the report data, Tiko presented evidence of the delivery of money that led to the company's account.
"Obviously the flow of funds is for business purposes. So business capital is shown for business purposes. If there is a transaction to Mas Tiko, it is a problem, if we find a transaction to Arina, is it a question mark too," he concluded.
Tiko was reported to the police by his ex-wife, Arina Winarto, regarding the alleged embezzlement of Rp6.9 billion when he was a director at a company.