KPU Will Facilitate Police-Polres Detainees As Transfer Voters In The 2024 Pilkada

The chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) of Lampung Province, Erwan Bustami, said that police and police detainees were transfer voters who were registered on the additional voter list (DPTb).

He said the detainees would be facilitated to vote in the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada.

"The KPU will facilitate the transfer of votes for detainees who are in the police and police stations. However, we hope that voters in the police and police detainees will be included in the voter list. So, the process will move to vote," said Erwan Bustami in Bandarlampung, Friday, July 12, confiscated by Antara.

Erwan hopes that people who are police detainees, both at the police and police, have previously registered as voters on the permanent voter list (DPT) so that it will make it easier for them to facilitate them.

"Maybe later when it is recorded, KPU officers will come to the police and the police to facilitate them in voicing their voting rights. Previously, it was like a mobile TPS. The prisoners voted there above 12.00 WIB," he said.

He said that his party would coordinate with the police to record voters at the police and police stations.

"Later, we will also coordinate with the police to record voters who have the potential to exercise their voting rights. Of course, we will facilitate those who domicile in Lampung," he said.

The Head of Political Unit of Satintelkam Polresta Bandarlampung Ipda Endro Novianto said that his party was committed to protecting the voting rights of prisoners who were in the Resort Police and Sector Police in holding the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections.

"In facilitating the right to vote for prisoners, we are collaborating with the local KPU or the nearest voting committee (PPS) under the supervision of the village/village election supervisor (PKD)," he said.

It was also said that the data collection of detainees at the police and police will be carried out before the determination of the 2024 Bandarlampung Pilkada DPT.

"The data collection may be prior to the determination of the DPT. However, we hope that the KPU can record detainees at the Polsek and Polres on D-30 before voting day on November 27, 2024, so that the voter list is more valid and up-to-date," he said.