Fadli Zon: Galipotensi Kerja Sama Indonesia-Africa, BKSAP DPR RI Adakan Seminar Internasional

JAKARTA - In preparation for the implementation of the Indonesia-Africa Parliamentary Forum (IAPF), the DPR RI BKSAP in collaboration with the Indonesian Embassy Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, held an international seminar entitled "Africa in Today's World: Where is Indonesia?".

Chairman of the BKSAP DPR RI, Fadli Zon, conveyed his views on the strategic potential of the African continent and Indonesia's role in strengthening this relationship. Indonesia and Africa have a significant historical closeness, especially through the 1955 Asia-Africa Conference (KAA) and the Non-Aligned Movement (GNB).

Currently, the economy of African countries is growing rapidly, becoming a significant economic force with abundant mineral resources and a large youth population. So far, Indonesia has only been a spectator on African issues. It is time for Indonesia to take a strategic role to strengthen cooperation with Africa, strengthen Indonesia's geostrategic position in this region and globally.

Fadli Zon, Deputy Chairperson of Gerindra, emphasized the importance of parliamentary diplomacy in strengthening Indonesia's relations both bilaterally and regionally with African countries. BKSAP has formed a Bilateral Cooperation Group (GKSB) with 16 African countries, as well as made diplomatic visits to a number of countries such as Tanzania, Namibia, and Zimbabwe.

The seminar was attended by various speakers, including Ambassador Al Busyra Basnur (Indonesian Ambassador to Ethiopia, Djibouti, and the African Union), Bernardino Vega (deputy of KADIN's foreign relations), as well as panelists from government, trading rooms, academics, and civil society organizations from Indonesia and Ethiopia.

Other panelists include Dr. Lawalley Cole from the African Union, Dewi Justicia Meidiwaty from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mintardjo Halim from KADIN, Taufan Teguh Akbari, Ph.D from the LSPR Institute Communication & Business, Dr. Bekele Shibru from Harambee University, Irfan Wahyudi, Ph.D from Airlangga University, and Kemal Abdella from the O-Yes Global Foundation. Deputy Chairperson of BKSAP, Putu Supadma Rudana (F-PDemocrat), Member of BKSAP Adde Rosi Khoerunnisa (F-PGolkar), and Ravindra Airlangga (F-PGolkar) were also present with students from ISAFIS (Indonesian Student Association for International Studies).

Discussions identified several obstacles, such as tariffs and infrastructure that influenced the interest of Indonesian entrepreneurs to invest in Africa and the lack of interaction between communities. However, cooperation opportunities in the diplomatic field remain open to bilateral representatives, renewable energy cooperation, strengthening superior commodity trade, exchange of knowledge and education, empowerment of youth, and cultural exchange.

According to Fadli Zon, Indonesia needs to be more active in engagement with Africa in various fields. Therefore, support for the Indonesia-Africa Forum and the Indonesia-Africa Parliamentary Forum in early September is very important.