Sutiyoso Inaugurated As Head Of BIN In Today's Memory, July 8, 2015

JAKARTA Memories of today, nine years ago, July 8, 2015, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) appointed Sutiyoso as Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN). He replaced Marciano Norman. The new position is considered suitable for Sutiyoso, who has the background of Sandi Yudha's troops, Kopassus.

Previously, Sutiyoso was known as a hard-working leader. He was able to try out the military world. He was also able to become governor of DKI Jakarta from the 1997-2007 era. This position made him known as a stubborn leader.

Life is a struggle. The narrative is closely directed at Sutiyoso's life. The man who was born in Semarang, December 6, 1944, often struggles alone for his life. Sutiyoso even disappeared for two months and was anxious.

As a result, he surprised his family to invite the inauguration of cadets at the Military Academy, Magelang. Sutiyoso's family was happy not to play. He then entered the military in 1965. His career was steady.

He once filled the position as Commander of the Military Resort Command. He is also Deputy Commander General of Kopassus. Sutiyoso was also the Commander of the Military Regional Command in Jakarta. However, bad luck accompanied the new position.

Sutiyoso is considered involved in the 1997 July 27 Riots (Kudatuli) incident. The political flavored rioting caused Sutiyoso to carry out orders from his superiors to bring order to the office of the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) in Menteng which later led to riots.

The trail in fact made Sutiyoso's political move to swerve to public office, the Governor of DKI Jakarta. The position as Governor of DKI Jakarta invited criticism from 1997. Sutiyoso was calm. All forms of insults and criticism did not make him forget himself.

He only acted stubbornly. Moreover, then the President of Indonesia who is also the General Chair of the PDIP Megawati supported him again as Governor of DKI Jakarta from 2002-2007. He held the position with enthusiasm.

Sutiyoso also continues to carry out his agenda to beautify Jakarta. Malang cannot be rejected. Sutiyoso often carries out unpopular policies. He held all kinds of big projects so that Jakarta would be more comfortable to live in. However, Sutiyoso's good intentions are often criticized.

Luckily, Sutiyoso is a stubborn figure who is not afraid to be criticized. He accepted all criticism. However, he continued to defend his ideas such as the construction of the busway route which was once underestimated by many parties.

He tried to reverse the history of his father Kota. He dreamed of Jakarta as his New York Asia. It doesn't matter even though people give him a lot of points from the governor in iron arms to the King Gusur. He is the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Sutiyoso, whose actions are often considered unpopular.

"A series of evictions against residential areas in Tanjung Duren and Kali Adem, he encouraged it ahead of Lebaran. Now the retired three-star general has a new "toy": busway mass transportation," said Edy Budiarso in his writing in Tempo magazine entitled Sutiyoso's big dream (2004).

Recently, the Sutiyoso project, such as the busway, began to show significant results. The line corridor is increasing. Public transportation is an idol for the citizens of the capital city. Jakarta residents also recalled the bus which has a special lane as TransJakarta. He tries to enjoy retirement.

However, Sutiyoso is predicted by the Jokowi government as a new candidate for Head of BIN. This trust is because Sutiyoso has eaten salt from the intelligence world in Kopassus. Sutiyoso immediately prepared himself. Service to the state is the main thing.

He was able to pass the fit and proper test. As a result, Sutiyoso was also appointed by Jokowi as Head of BIN Baru replacing Marciano Norman at the State Palace on July 8, 2015. Jokowi gave confidence in Sutiyoso so that BIN could work optimally for the interests of the state.

"That I will uphold the state intelligence code in every place, time and condition," said Sutiyoso following the oath of office read by Jokowi as quoted by page, July 8, 2015.