Director General Of PAUD Dikdas And Dikmen Cooperate With Several Parties

SURABAYA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) realizes that the Learning Recovery Program through Strengthening Literacy and numeracy needs to involve parties and stakeholders. Therefore, the Director General of Early Childhood Education, Basic Education, and Secondary Education (Ditjen PAUD, Dikdas, and Dikmen), Dr. Iwan Syahril, Ph.D., invites the entire education ecosystem, both the government, the private sector, universities and the community to work together in an effort to improve the competence of literacy and numeracy of students.

"With the various expertise, resources, and work networks owned by partners, we can reach more schools in Indonesia - without exception," said Director General of PAUD, Dikdas, and Dikmen, Iwan Syahril, in his remarks on the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) Support for Development Partners for Learning Recovery in Surabaya, Tuesday (2/7). This agreement is then a guide or guide in learning recovery efforts through strengthening literacy and numeracy in the intervention target education unit. The cooperation agreement was signed in Surabaya, East Java on Tuesday (2/7) by the Director General of PAUD, Dikdas, and Dikmen as well as the leaders of Development Partners among others, Mutiara Rindang, the Litara Foundation, the Indonesian Kinesiology Foundation, the Aqil Learning Room, and the Mandiri Pratama Provision.

In addition, in the signing ceremony of the PKS, the Director General of PAUD, Dikdas, and Dikmen also received directly a Letter of Commitment to Support in the Learning Recovery Program from representatives of eight universities, namely from Malang State University, Gresik Muhammadiyah University, PGRI Kediri Nusantara University, Lambung Mangkurat University, Surabaya State University, Sebelas Maret University, Yogyakarta State University, and Sriwijaya University.

The Learning Recovery Program through Strengthening Literacy and numeracy launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture aims to improve the quality of education, especially in the basic competencies of literacy and numeracy of students at various levels of education.

According to the Director General of PAUD, Dikdas, and Dikmen, the Learning Recovery Program through Strengthening Literacy and numeracy is not an instant program that is once a". This program needs to be carried out in a sustainable manner with a continuous approach to the education ecosystem. This is done so that all parties understand that increasing the competence of literacy and numeracy of students is the main key to achieving quality education.

The government through the "Merdeka Belajar" program has initiated various policies and strategic steps to overcome learning loss and ensure that every Indonesian child gets their right to get quality education. The Ministry of Education and Culture expresses his gratitude to Development Partners who have been willing to support the Learning Recovery Program through Strengthening Literacy and Numeration, since the beginning of the launch of the program until now. The Directorate General of PAUD, Dikdas, and Dikmen encouraged Development Partners to work together and collaborate with stakeholders, both local governments, organizations, education communities, and UPT Kemendikbudristek, so that the benefits of this partnership can be felt more by the community.

"We hope that this partnership can take place on an ongoing basis so that it can accelerate the improvement of students' literacy and numeracy competencies," said Iwan Syahril. Let's work together by carrying out our respective roles in the world of education in order to improve the quality of learning for all Indonesian children. (ADV)