Police Pocket Identity Of The Perpetrators Of The Burning Of The Tangerang Lentara Festival Stage

TANGERANG - The police admitted that they had pocketed the identity of the perpetrator of the vandalism and burning of the stage of the 2024 Lantern Festival (TNG Lenfest) Tangerang music concert.

"It has been identified against the provocateur," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tangerang Police, Kompol Arief N Yusuf to reporters at the Pasar Kemis Police, Thursday, June 27.

Arief explained that currently his party will continue to investigate the people who damaged the music concert.

"We, who are against the law according to the existing evidence, will make efforts by the police. Because there are those who are harmed, is it damaged," he said.

Kapolsek Pasar Kemis, AKP Ucu Nuryandi said he would look for the perpetrators of the arson to the theft of barricades (limitors) for the music concert stage at the Tangerang Lentera Festival 2024 (TNG Lenfest) in Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency.

"Yes (we will look for it)," said Pasar Kemis Police Chief, AKP Ucu Nuryandi when confirmed, Monday, June 24.

Previously, the 2024 Lentera Festival (TNG Lenfest) in Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency, Sunday, June 23, was burned by disappointed spectators because there were no guest stars. As a result, the stage was burned and barricades were stolen.