Two-story House In Ampera, South Jakarta Burns, Losses Reaches Hundreds Of Millions Of Rupiah

JAKARTA - A two-story house on Ampera Raya Street, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta caught fire. South Jakarta Fire and Rescue (Gulkarmat) Sub-dept. Officer Paryo said his party received a report on Tuesday, June 25, at 18.50 WIB.

"It's true that the house only burned on 2 floors. The cause was an electrical short," said Paryo in his statement, Tuesday, June 25.

Paryo explained that it started when the witness heard a rumbling sound from the 2nd floor of his house. It turned out that when the check was carried out, there was a big fire in the room of the house.

The witness also contacted the South Jakarta Damkar. A total of 6 units and 20 South Jakarta firefighters were deployed.

"At 18.58 WIB, the blackout started. At 19.30 WIB it was declared finished or extinguished," he said.

Paryo ensured that this fire incident did not result in any casualties. However, the loss reached Rp. 100 million.

"No casualties. Loss of Rp. 100 million," he said.