Asked About Legal Cases At The KPK And Polda Metro, Hasto Admits He Is More Focused On His Dissertation

The Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto responded to reporters' questions about the development of legal cases at the KPK and Polda Metro Jaya, where he had undergone an examination.

Initially, Hasto responded to the question with a smile. Instead of worrying about legal cases, Hasto admitted that currently he is more focused on completing his dissertation at the University of Indonesia's Stratejik and Global Studies School (SKSG).

Hasto admitted that he would take the second stage of the seminar exam next week.

"I'm speeding up dissertation at UI. Later there will be construction of Party institutional theory. The approach is mixed method through a qualitative stage with critical disclosure analysis, and phenomenology," said Hasto when met at the PDIP DPP office, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, June 25.

"Meanwhile, quantitatively it has also been completed with 2028 respondents from all over Indonesia, both internally and externally, especially political lecturers, government science, PPKN, national resilience and defense science," he continued.

This dissertation is being pursued by Hasto to get his second doctorate. Hasto's first doctoral degree was maintained at the Indonesian Defense University.

"At the Defense University, the dissertation is about Soekarno's geopolitical theory, so at SKSG UI the focus is on constructing Party institutional theory in relation to Megawati Soekarnoputri's strategic leadership, ideology and relevance of Party resilience," said Hasto.

For information, the Polda Metro Jaya is currently investigating a case of alleged spreading false news and incitement by Hasto regarding his interview on a television station.

Hasto was also questioned by the Polda Metro Jaya on June 4. Hasto was summoned for alleged criminal acts of sedition and spreading false information as referred to in Article 160 of the Criminal Code and or Article 28 paragraph (3) in conjunction with Article 45a paragraph (3) of Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions.

Meanwhile, the KPK had previously examined Hasto as a witness regarding the Harun Masiku case, Monday, June 10.

Hasto became the fourth witness summoned by the KPK after new information was received. Harun became a fugitive when he was named a suspect in giving bribes to former KPU Commissioner Wahyu Setiawan to serve as a member of the DPR through interim shifts (PAW).