Tangerang Regency Government Supports Fertilizer Innovation From Agricultural Waste

TANGERANG - Tangerang Regency Government (Pemkab) supports the application of technological innovation in the agricultural sector. Support is provided to realize food independence and increase farmer productivity.

"So we can make fertilizers originating from agricultural waste and fertilizer from the area around agriculture. Technology also allows farmers to optimize the use of resources, reduce crop loss, and improve the quality and quantity of agricultural production," said Tangerang Regent, Andi Ony in his statement, Tuesday, June 25.

Andi assessed that this system will continue to be empowered and developed independently to increase efficiency and productivity.

"It is possible that in the following years we will disseminate it again, both participants and agricultural technology products that exist for the progress of farmers," he said.

Head of the Tangerang Regency Agriculture Service, Asep Jatnika, said that agricultural invoices spur the creation of knowledge, experience, and ideas platforms for various parties involved in the agricultural sector. Including farmers, academics, technology companies, governments, and non-governmental organizations.

"Agricultural technology innovation is appropriate. It is also intended to provide education about agricultural technology that is appropriate for farmers, so that they can improve their skills and knowledge in managing agricultural businesses more efficiently," he concluded.