Car Rental Boss Dies In Sukolilo: Victim Moves Alone, Not Coordinates With Investigators

East Jakarta Metro Police is still investigating the death of BH alias B, the boss of a rental car that was ganged up on in Sumbersoko Village, Sukolilo District, Pati Regency, Central Java.

The investigation was carried out based on a report on a car embezzlement case at the Central Jakarta Metro Police which was reported by victim BH alias B before taking life in Pati Regency, Central Java.

However, the East Jakarta Metro Police confirmed that the victim BH alias B was about to take his car which was embezzled by the perpetrator with the initials RP, apparently without the knowledge of the East Jakarta Police.

Whereas previously, victim BH alias B had agreed with investigators to provide information on the whereabouts of his lost car embezzled. The decision ultimately had a bad impact, which caused the victim to die because he was accused of being a car thief.

"East Jakarta Metro Police investigators have issued an Order together with the reporter (BH victim alias B) to check the vehicle (which was embezzled by RP) in the Banten area," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly when confirmed, Wednesday, June 19.

However, after being confirmed again, the reporter (BH victim) provided information that the vehicle had not been detected in the Banten area.

Furthermore, the East Jakarta Metro Police investigators have agreed verbally with the reporter (BH victim alias B) that they will notify the whereabouts of the car and search together.

However, when the victim BH alias B left for Pati to trace the whereabouts of the car independently based on the GPS point, without the knowledge of the East Jakarta Metro Police investigators who had handled the case.

"BH's steps have never coordinated with investigators to go to Pati. Because (the BH victim) traced the whereabouts of the car independently based on the GPS point. The East Jakarta Metro Police did not know," he said.

For information, the chronology of this case began when BH alias B (52), the rental boss, detected his white Honda Mobilio car in Pati, Thursday, June 6, 2024.

Initially, his car that was rented by people did not come back. The car was then detected via GPS in Sumbersoko Village, Sukolilo District, Pati Regency.

Together with their three colleagues, SH, KB, and S, they headed to the location using Sigra's car. Immediately found, they immediately took their car unit using a spare key without any notification from the local community.

Residents who knew about the suspicious foreigners in their village shouted at the thief. Sigra's car contains three people running towards the forest and walking in a dead end.

The rental owner, BH, used a Mobilio car to almost leave the village, but was successfully intercepted by local residents at the only access road to the village.

Three victims in a Sigra car from the forest were paraded to the village. The car was burned. They were also beaten by a crowd. The owner of the rental and his car were then taken back to the settlement and ganged up on him until he finally died.