Sandiaga Uno Will Ask President Jokowi's Permission If He Is Assigned By The 2024 Regional Head Elections

JAKARTA - PPP politician as well as Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf), Sandiaga Uno said he would ask President Joko Widodo's permission if the party was assigned to run in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada.Because, according to him, his duties as minister are not over yet, so he must obtain the president's approval."If I am assigned, I must of course if this is the leadership's decision, I must ask for permission, because I am also assigned to the ministry and as an assistant to the president, this must be asked for input, opinions from him and from there maybe I can get the President too, because the task of advancing in the Pilkada and the ministry's duties cannot be delivered, must be chosen, cannot be done half-heartedly," said Sandiaga Uno at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, June 13.The former chairman of the Gerindra DPP supervisory board then brought up when he ran as a vice presidential candidate in the 2019 presidential election. At that time, he resigned as a candidate for governor."And in the past, when I was in the 2019 presidential election, I resigned from the position of cagub, when 2016 I also resigned from my position in the business world because this must be carried out really, with seriousness and totality," he claimed.Nevertheless, Sandiaga admitted that he had not yet received an assignment from PPP. Meanwhile, he emphasized that he would focus on serving as a minister."Nothing yet, it's not there per day. This time is getting narrower, right, so because at least when I ran for DKI, the preparation for a year myself moved and the time assigned by Pak Prabowo in 2016, it was at least six months after 1 year of recognizing the current situation. So per day there is no task," he said.
"So I will focus on the ministry's task, especially to bring this baton to the new minister, because we want this effective achievement to be able to continue momentum in the future government," concluded Sandiaga.