DPRD Leaders Are Surprised That The DKI Provincial Government Wants To Give Permission To Open Karaoke Places Instead Of Schools

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) through the DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Disparekraf) is preparing to grant karaoke operational permits in the Capital City. The move also received criticism. One of them was from the leadership of the DKI Jakarta Regional House of Representative (DPRD) who questioned education priorities.

Deputy Chairman of the DKI Jakarta Regional House of Representative, Zita Anjani, assessed that the policy was very unfair, especially for the world of education which is now worsening due to COVID-19.

"I am sad to see the condition of our education today. National to regional policies are not in favor of education," she said, in a written statement, Sunday, March 14.

Zita said children's education is not just a matter of curriculum, plus-minus, or even distribution. However, the interaction of play and learning and recognizing the role of students must also be considered important.

"I am a mother as well as a teacher. I spend a lot of time with children. What is clear, children need attention and affection," she said.

Furthermore, said Zita, prioritizing schools to be opened is a form of affection from the government. She also regretted that the DKI Provincial Government (Pemprov) plans to open entertainment space, but not for education.

"When children are restricted to school, adults are given the freedom to go to karaoke. Where is the position of education in the priority of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government?" She said.

Therefore, Zita hopes that DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan can prioritize making the policy for children to return to school by considering health protocols.

"Come to them. Bring back their world, make DKI children smile again," she explained.