KPK Prosecutor Presents Acting Governor Of North Maluku At The Corruption Session Abdul Gani Kasuba

JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has again presented Acting Governor of North Maluku (Malut) Samsuddin Abdul Kadir in the trial of alleged corruption in the sale and purchase of positions within the North Maluku Provincial Government.

Samsuddin was presented as a witness along with three other people for the defendant former Governor of North Maluku Abdul Gani Kasuba (AGK) and others.

"Four witnesses were examined for the defendant, former governor Abdul Gani Kasuba and other defendants, regarding the corruption in the sale and purchase of positions in the North Maluku Provincial Government," said KPK prosecutor Rikhi B. Maghaz at the Corruption Court (Tipikor) at the Ternate District Court (PN) on Wednesday, June 5, confiscated by Antara.

During the trial, the KPK prosecutor also presented the head of the North Maluku Inspectorate, Nirwan Mt Ali; Secretary of the North Maluku Bappelitbangda Ridwan Hasbur Baha and Suhardison Abdul Halik.

Samsudin Abdul Kadir in his testimony admitted that he often gave money to Abdul Gani Kasuba in various gifts.

"At the office, I gave cash and outside the office I transferred," said Samsudin when answering the judge's question.

Judge Romel Francis Pilarbolon also asked whether the money was asked directly by Abdul Gani Kasuba. Samsudin answered that AGK asked directly and also asked through an intermediary.

"Once asked for money, namely some through intermediaries and some directly. Through the intermediary, Sespri from the AGK, namely Fajri," said Samsudin in front of the judge.

In fact, Samsuddin also openly said that money is often given at least Rp. 2 million for people who ask AGK for assistance.

"The lowest is only Rp. 2 million for one person and the highest is Rp. 25 million. All of this varies to a total of more than Rp. 300 million for 4 years," he said.

Previously, Abdul Gani Kasuba was charged with receiving gratuities from a number of parties related to the sale and purchase of positions and projects in the North Maluku Provincial Government, AGK, receiving gratuities totaling Rp109.7 billion.

The KPK prosecutor plans to present 15 witnesses in the alleged corruption trial with the defendant, the former Governor of North Maluku AGK, which was held on Wednesday, June 5.

Of the 15 witnesses, only four were willing to attend, while 11 others were not present, one of them was the Chancellor of the University of Muhammadiyah, North Maluku (UMMU), Prof. DR. Saiful Deni, M.S. who was presented because of his capacity as Chairman of the JPTP Pansel within the North Maluku Provincial Government.