Sabu For Sale By Aceh Tamiang DPRK Candidates Through 3 Of His Subordinates Packed In A Pack Of The Chinese

TANGERANG - Director of Narcotics Crime at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Mukti Juharsa said 70 kilograms (kg) of methamphetamine owned by Sofyan, the elected candidate for the Aceh Tamiang DPRK, was packaged in a package of Chinese tea. This is done to trick the officer's examination.

Brigadier General Mukti Juharsa also said that Sofyan received the illicit goods from suspect A, who is on the People's Wanted List (DPO). Currently A is in Malaysia.

Meanwhile, he continued, whether the package of tens of kilograms of crystal methamphetamine was Fredy Pratama's network or not, Mukti was still investigating it.

"From Malaysia. Packaging (packaging-ed) is a Chinese Tea wrapper, meaning it comes from Thailand. That's all," Mukti told reporters at Terminal 2 of Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang City, Monday, May 27.

They control purely goods from the Malaysian area to Aceh and pack Chinese Tea. This Chinese tea is complete with goods from Thailand. We are still investigating whether he is still involved in the FP (Fredy Pratama) network," he continued.

Furthermore, after the goods arrived, Sofyan asked three colleagues with the initials S alias G, RAF and IA to sell the illicit goods.

"He ordered three of his men to sell drugs to Jakarta," he said.

However, the action was revealed, Sofyan's three people were arrested by the police in the Lampung area with evidence of 70 kg of methamphetamine.

Then develop until finally arresting Sofyan at a clothing store in the Aceh Tamiang area, Saturday, May 25.

Currently, the suspect Sofyan has been brought to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. For his actions, Sofyan was charged with Article 114 of the Criminal Code Jo 132 of the Criminal Code with a maximum threat of the death penalty.