2 Defendants Of Corruption In The East Lombok Iron Sand Mine City Detention Center, PT NTB: The Authority Of Judges

Chairman of the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) High Court (PT) Hery Supriyono emphasized that the panel of judges hearing a case has the authority to transfer the status of the defendant's detainee.

"Regarding detention, it is the authority of the assembly. The assembly can suspend, issue, and determine the transfer," said Hery in Mataram, NTB, Thursday, May 16, as reported by Antara.

If there is a proposal to transfer the status of the defendant's detainee, Hery ensures that the panel of judges must issue a decision based on strong considerations.

"For example, if it's due to illness, the consideration must be to look at medical records. If the judge believes the medical record is true and for humanitarian reasons, why not (determine)?" he said.

In principle, he said, law enforcement should not conflict with human rights (HAM).

"If people are sick, can we hold it? The important thing is that the process (law) runs," he said.

Regarding the supervision of the defendant who is a city prisoner, Hery emphasized that this is still in the responsibility of the judge.

"Every month there must be a report (supervision). Every district court in the area, it is appointed by the supervisory judge, so there is that. For NTB, supervision can be carried out once a year. So, monitoring remains," he said.

When asked about the existence of two defendants who are now city prisoners based on the determination of the NTB High Court, Hery ensured that the panel of judges on duty had worked professionally.

He admitted that the panel of judges made a determination to transfer the status of detainees based on strong considerations.

The two defendants who are now city detainees are Po Suwandi and Sri Suzana. The city's detention status was obtained based on the decision of the panel of appeal judges at the NTB High Court.

The two defendants are now submitting an appeal to the Supreme Court (MA). Before there was a decision with permanent legal force from the Supreme Court, Hery ensured that the supervision of the two defendants was under the supervision of the judge.

Po Suwandi is one of the defendants in the corruption case of the iron sand mine in the Dedalpak Block, East Lombok without pocketing the Activity Plan and Fee Budget (RKAB) from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia during operations in 2020-2021.

Po Suwandi in the case acted as Director of PT AMG based in Jakarta who is now a city prisoner since the decision of the Corruption Court Panel of Judges at the Mataram District Court.

The panel of judges chaired by Isrin Surya Kurniasih determined the transfer of Po Suwandi's detention status due to considerations of illness based on medical records from the Mataram City Hospital.

Likewise, Sri Suzana, who became a defendant in the 2018 metrological equipment procurement corruption case at the Dompu Disperindag.

Sri Suzana has been in city detention since the case was processed at the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court (PN). The panel of judges chaired by Mukhlassuddin determined this based on a proposal from the legal advisor that the former Head of the Dompu Industry and Trade Department had a mental illness.