Haji Mabru Characteristics: Check Out The Complete Retail

YOGYAKARTA - For every Muslim to be able to carry out the pilgrimage to the holy land of Makkah and become Hajj Mabru is certainly a dream that is highly expected. But what are the characteristics of this famous hajj? Let's discuss it here!

The reason is, the Hajj major has a number of virtues that are so good for Muslims. So that's why you must know what the characteristics of the Hajj evening are in accordance with Islamic law.

As is known, the law of Hajj is mandatory when a Muslim has fulfilled several provisions and pillars of the pilgrimage, including being able to carry it out, whether it is financially capable or physically capable. Good Hajj can be achieved when a Muslim is encouraged to go for the pilgrimage and fulfill all the stipulated provisions and pillars.

According to language, hajj mabru is a pilgrimage received by Allah SWT. Meanwhile, for the term syar' i, hajj mabru can be realized if Muslims perform this worship in accordance with the instructions from Allah SWT and Muhammad SAW, of course, by paying attention to the provisions, harmony, intention, and other obligatory things that must be fulfilled throughout worship.

In this regard, Muslims who worship Hajj must stay away from all prohibitions in the pilgrimage to achieve this diversity. Then, what exactly is the meaning of the pilgrimage? Follow the full review below.

Understanding Hajj Mabrur

In language, al mabru comes from the word al birru. Al birru means goodness or virtue. That way, al hajjul mabruu is a hajj that is given goodness and virtue. The word madur is also described in the Al Munawwir Arab-Indonesian dictionary which means that the pilgrimage is received by Allah SWT. This is in line with the opinion of some scholars regarding the hajj mabru.

In Muslim syarah, Imam Nawawi stated that the Hajj mabru was not mixed with community or sin because the reward was God's heaven.

Therefore, the meaning of mabru pilgrimage is often referred to as hajj which is not impurized by sin and without any element of arrogance in it. The meaning of mabru pilgrimage can also refer to a state without sin taken from the word 'al-birr', which means goodness or obedience.

In line with this meaning, the book Syarhus Suyathi li Sunan an-Nasa by Jalaluddin As-Syuthi said that the proof of a Muslim having reached the Hajj was that when he returned to being a better person than before. The Muslim also continued to struggle to reduce immoral acts after returning from the holy land for pilgrimage.

The announcement regarding the hajj major was also presented by the Prophet Muhammad SAW in Hadith Bukhari, namely No reply for the Hajj evening besides heaven. In another hadith, he said Jihad is the most important for you (women circles), namely the Hajj evening.

Therefore, it is natural for every Muslim to expect a mabruary pilgrimage.

For the ulama, the main characteristics of the Hajj mabrur are changes in attitude to be more obedient to Allah SWT after performing the pilgrimage. Some of the characteristics that appear, among them:

In addition, you must also know: 'Read the Intentions of Hajj Accompanied by Arabic, Latin, Art, and Procedures'.

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