Police Remind Parents Not To Be Too Busy At Work, Pay Attention To Children So They Don't Fight

A group of teenagers involved in a brawl on Jalan Kartini, Sawah Besar District, Central Jakarta, were arrested by the Sawah Besar Police, Friday, May 10. Kapolsek Sawah Besar Kompol Dhanar Dhono Vernandhie said the brawlers were gathered inside the Al-Istiqomah Mosque on Jalan Dwi Warna C, RT 08/01, Kartini Village, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta.

"We provide guidance, enlightenment and understanding that what they did was wrong because they were influenced by their friends who invited a brawl. Before we do, we must remind our children," said the police chief when confirmed.

Kompol Dhanar also appealed to parents not to be too busy with work which eventually made children less attention and lack of supervision from their own families.

Parents must always remind their children to find good friends so that they are useful for the child himself.

"Our teenagers are currently looking for their identity so that they can get attention from their families and the surrounding community," he said.

The police chief also gave education to the teenagers to refuse if they were invited to a brawl.

"Love yourself, your lives are at stake, if you attack each other using machetes, sickles, arrows or firecrackers. Don't do it again, you must be able to change," he said.

Please note, Kartini Village is a dense population so that it is prone to friction between teenagers and prone to drug trafficking.

The role of parents and teachers is very active in always fostering teenagers so as not to fall into promiscuity.

"I remind the children, immediately repent and stop fighting by bringing a knife, especially if someone is still taking drugs. If found, I will process the law to deter them," he said.